How to get back in shape? The 10-step program to do it in one month

Getting in shape in no time is possible with the right program. Whether you are 20, 40 or 50 years old, with a healthy lifestyle and adequate exercises, you can return to showing off a more toned body! If getting in shape in a week is not easy, in a month you will be able to do it more easily, following the program and exercises that we recommend below.

In general, it can be said that the rules to follow are all united by the classic combination, always winning: to lose weight, diet and training are fundamental. That is, it is necessary to eat the right quantities and low in saturated fat + do physical activity; repeating them and refreshing your memory can only be useful.Here are all the tips and rabbits useful for getting back into shape in a short time and showing off a screaming body!

Beware of hidden sugars!

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Getting in shape: in a week or a month?

If your goal is to get back in shape quickly, for example in a week, you will have to focus on a protein-based lightning-fast diet: this type of diet helps you lose weight quickly, but has a program that cannot being carried on too long. Furthermore, it is essential to accompany it to an intensive training with a precise and targeted program.

Sure, you can lose a few pounds in a week, but don't work wonders! If, on the other hand, you have at least a month to get back in shape, try to carefully follow the tips below.

1. The ideal program to get in shape: it starts with breakfast

Starting the day with a rich breakfast (with the right amount of carbohydrates, lipids and proteins) is the first fundamental step to follow to get back in shape. Not only does a hearty breakfast give the body the energy it needs to get going, it significantly reduces hunger throughout the day.

2. Eat a healthy diet rich in fruits and vegetables

Whether it's breakfast, snack, lunch or dinner, any meal plan to get in shape includes fruit (with some limitations) and vegetables at will in its daily program. These foods provide vitamins, minerals and fiber. Fruit helps provide energy for the day, but - given its high sugar content - should not be consumed in excess. Vegetables, on the other hand, have very few calories and consuming them raw increases the sense of satiety.

3. At 20, 40, 50, the key to getting back into shape is always the same: varying your diet!

Whether you are 20 or 50, the secret to getting in shape will always lie in varying as much as possible with the foods in your diet. Reinventing the menu every day with taste and pleasure saves you from the tremendous feeling of sacrifice that requires being on a diet. In this way, cooking and savoring your dishes will be a pleasure, you can choose from the following foods to help accelerate your metabolism faster and lose weight faster.

See also: Foods That Boost Metabolism: All Foods That Help You Lose Weight!

© iStock Foods that speed up metabolism: all foods for weight loss!

4. A small plate, a little psychological trick not to be underestimated!

It might seem a superficial and insignificant consideration, but in fact it is a small trick that can help not a little: by consuming meals in small plates in fact, the portions will be reduced, but you will have the impression of eating more important portions. and consequently the stomach will get used to eating less. At 40 or 50, this process will probably take longer, but in the end it will work and you will be able to get back in shape!

5. Exercise regularly and choose the right exercises for you

Physical activity is very important to get back into shape: establishing a good exercise program can help you lose weight and tone you up. If you don't have time to go to the gym, there are so many ways you can exercise! 30 minutes, just get off at the previous bus stop or avoid taking the car for every slightest movement or completely eliminate the use of the elevator. Alternatively, try these simple exercises to do at home while watching TV:

6. Drink at least two liters of water a day

Drinking a lot of water, perhaps adding a few drops of pure lemon juice - with a thousand detox properties - is essential to purify yourself and get back in shape: not only will it become a drink with a pleasant taste, but will bring all the benefits of vitamin C. Without forgetting that it helps to eliminate water retention!

7. A good sleep, a real panacea to get back in shape

It is proven that those who sleep 7-8 hours at night have a better chance of keeping fit. So, the watchword to get back in shape is: sleep, sleep and sleep again! No to the small hours and midnight snacks, which certainly do not help you lose weight or fight insomnia ...

8. Drink herbal teas! They are a great ally to get back in shape in a natural way

In addition to the fact that they heat up on colder days, herbal teas can be useful not only to relax, but also to deflate and purify the body. Go for those with ginger: a real cure-all for the figure!

9. Choose a healthy meal for office lunches: go for the schiscetta!

Bring lunch to the office: instead of going to eat at a restaurant or bar every day or nibble something quickly (perhaps a junk snack) during the lunch break, it is better to prefer the "schiscetta", the do-it-yourself meal prepared with the right doses at home, and in which fruit, vegetables and - why not? - some almonds or walnuts to nibble when hungry ...

10. Keep your weight under control

To check the progress of your recovery, the scale is an excellent ally. To stay motivated and not give in to temptations, weighing and measuring yourself is essential, but it must not become an obsession: once a week is enough and, possibly, always at the same time!

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