Two years after her father's death, she receives an email from him

He calls himself Beersie_McSlurrp on the American Reddit forum and received a very unexpected email: his father had written it before he died. Do you think it's impossible? Not really ...

Beersie_McSlurpp's dad had decided to turn to a rather original website before he died. FutureMe in fact allows you to write e-mails and to schedule their sending, this explains why the boy received such an unexpected letter. It is possible to use it for free and with a personal mailbox in order to avoid job changes of sender or recipient.

Moved, the young American decided to share the content of his father's message on Reddit.

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"Today I received an e-mail from my father, he died two years ago. He had registered on a website that allowed the sending of e-mails in the future. He told me he was proud of me and that he loved me and it was really touching to get a message from him months after his death. I hope this message doesn't stop you from sleeping because you think you are haunted by ghosts!
Here is his message ":

My son,

I'm talking to you from the afterlife: I told you I'd come back to hunt you!
Speaking of more serious things, when you read this message I will be dead. I hope your today is better, I hope you have managed to move on without the old gentleman that I am and I hope you have helped Mom to do the same.

I am extremely convinced and I know that you are taking care of her exactly like I did.

I wish I could share a lot of things with you. We haven't had time to discuss this in the last few months when I was still myself. I guess morphine turned me into some kind of courgette and I hope my hallucinations stole a smile from you during those moments.

The first thing I'd like to tell you is that I'm really, really proud of you ...

Beersie_McSlurpp then decided to stop the message because it was too personal. After this sharing he received hundreds of messages of condolence and encouragement: those who love us do not leave us. Never.

The most beautiful phrases about love:

Tags:  Actuality Old-Home Parenthood