Oblique abdominals: all exercises for the external and internal muscles

When we think about swimsuit fitting, we rarely consider oblique abdominals. All our attention is focused on crunches, planks and exercises for the lower abdominals, while we forget the oblique abdominals, just as essential to eliminate that annoying belly!

We at alfemminile are on the "don't forget any abdominals" committee: for this reason, we want to devote all the attention they deserve to the lateral abdominals, showing you the best and most effective exercises for the external and internal oblique abdominals! the bottle of water at your fingertips and find out how to do the abdominals!

Lateral abdominals: the most effective exercises

Training your abs at home is simple if you know what exercises to do and can save you a lot of time, money and critical looks from those who spend hours and hours in the gym. That's why we want to recommend two of our side abdominal exercises, because they are simple to do and really effective.

See also

Pilates: the best exercises for the abdominals

Six Pack Abs: Exercises and Diet for Fast Results!

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The first does not require any type of tool and is a version of the classic plank, revisited in an oblique key. Follow the example in the video and remember to hold the position for at least 30 seconds, gradually increasing your hold as you progress through the workout. Thanks to this exercise, you will work out your oblique abdominals, discover how to slim your hips and be a step closer to your flat stomach!

To understand exactly how oblique abdominals are done, watch the video!

The second exercise, on the other hand, requires the use of a tool that you will have to buy, but which will also be very useful on other occasions, such as during the training of the arms: the bar.

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Thanks to it, in fact, you will be able to perfect the twist, one of the exercises that involves a greater number of oblique abdominal muscles. While hanging from the bar, raise your legs at a right angle and move them first to the right, then to the left. If you are not used to it, this exercise can be particularly strenuous: so try to reach the maximum level of twist, but not to exaggerate the oblique abdominal muscles.
Do 15 reps on each side, for a total of 3 sets.

How to train the external oblique abdominals

While the exercises we just showed you are valid for all lateral abs, the one we want to show you now focuses more on the external oblique abs.

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Start by taking a two-liter bottle, or something similarly heavy, and bending your torso along the line of your hip, being careful not to arch your back.
Do 20 reps on each side, for a total of 3 sets and always remember to take a one minute break between sets.

Don't forget about the internal oblique abs!

While the lateral abdominals are often overlooked, the internal oblique abdominals are even more underestimated. Yet, they too are essential for proper training and for getting sculpted abdominal muscles!

The internal oblique abdominals are located in the depth of the abdomen and have the task of protecting and supporting the internal organs and the spine: the more developed they are, the more they will avoid annoying back pain.
To train your internal oblique abs, we offer you the reinterpretation of the classic crunch.

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Start in the supine position, with the right foot on the ground and the left one resting on the right knee; leave your left arm stretched out on the floor and put your right arm under your neck. Bring your right arm towards your left knee and repeat the movement for at least 15 times. Check your breathing and make sure you feel those side abdominal muscles pulling! Once you are done with one arm, start with the other and do 3 sets of 15 reps each: your abdominal exercises for women have come to an end!

Nutrition is also important: here are the foods that help increase lean mass and build muscle!

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