Breast ptosis: ways to correct it and get better

Do not worry, it is a normal phenomenon especially after becoming a mother, and it is also possible to correct the sagging of the breasts through cosmetic surgery. Let's see how to easily reconcile with your body.

Before continuing with the reading, did you know that there are specific exercises to firm the breasts? Find out in this video.

  1. · What is breast ptosis?
  2. How to correct breast ptosis
  3. · How is the intervention for breast ptosis?
  4. · Risks deriving from the transaction
  5. · Before the breast ptosis operation
  6. · After the breast ptosis operation
  7. · The results of the intervention
  8. · Cost and management of breast ptosis

What is breast ptosis?

Breast ptosis is defined as the actual falling out and unfolding of the breast skin. This phenomenon is due to a sagging of the mammary gland and an exaggerated distension of the skin that surrounds it.
Breast ptosis can be of natural origin or appear following significant weight loss. It is also possible for ptosis to occur following pregnancy and lactation, when the volume of the breast decreases significantly.
Breast ptosis can be accompanied by breast hypertrophy or breast hypoplasia.

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How to correct breast ptosis

The way to intervene on breast ptosis and correct it, being able to return to enjoy full and turgid breasts, is to rely on cosmetic surgery.
Although some beliefs suggest doing certain exercises to plump emptied breasts, unfortunately the only way to really see results is to undergo surgery.

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How is the intervention for breast ptosis?

The surgeon will remove the areola and the nipple deemed too low, he will move the mammary gland to a higher position to obtain a harmonious result in terms of volume and shape. As explained by the Italian Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, during the " operation, the surgeon will also remove some excess skin to have an optimal result and restore the right shape to the breast.

The size of the scars resulting from breast surgery will depend on how large the ptosis is to be corrected. Most often these scars will take the form of an inverted T, but there are other possibilities:

  • if breast ptosis is significant

the scars will be found around the areola, from the bottom of the areola to the crease under the breast and horizontally under the crease of the breast

  • if the ptosis is moderate

it will be possible to have only the vertical scar

  • if the ptosis is minimal

it is possible to have only one "incision around" the areola

In cases of breast hypertrophy or hypoplasia, the surgeon can take advantage of the breast ptosis operation to correct them at the same time. He can then propose the insertion of a prosthesis.

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Risks deriving from the operation

As with any surgery, there are risks (related to anesthesia, etc.) even during a breast ptosis operation. Choosing a qualified and competent cosmetic surgeon for this type of operation will limit the risks, without making them non-existent.

Basically, it is better not to rely on unskilled personnel, but to carefully choose the clinic where to carry out the operation.

Surgery to correct ptosis of the breast is only possible from the end of growth (about 17 years).
It does not prevent later pregnancy or breastfeeding. However, it is recommended to wait at least 6 months before becoming a mother.
Finally, there is no link between breast ptosis surgery and cancer risk.

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Before the breast ptosis operation

As with any operation, a preoperative check-up is performed with a mammogram and an "ultrasound scan. In addition, it is necessary to:

  • A consultation with the anesthetist will be scheduled 48 hours before the operation
  • stop smoking at least one and a half months before the breast ptosis operation and up to one month after the operation. This will optimize the chances of a quick recovery.
  • in some cases, and if used, it may be necessary to stop oral contraception if the risk factors are too important (obesity, bleeding disorders, etc.).
  • no drugs containing aspirin should be taken in the 10 days preceding the operation.

It is also necessary to know that:

  • Breast ptosis surgery can last from 1: 30H up to 3 hours.
  • It is done under general anesthesia
  • The duration of hospitalization can vary from 1 to 2 days.

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After the breast ptosis operation

Post-operative pain is usually not very acute, but it is quite bearable.
Here is a list of things to know for the post-op:

  • bruises and swelling are common, as is the discomfort of raising the arms.These discomforts will disappear after 2-3 weeks.
  • The nipples can sometimes remain numb for a few months.
  • A follow-up visit is required 3 days after the operation
  • It is highly recommended to wear a support bra (day and night) for one month.
  • The stitches will be removed (if not absorbable) between 8 and 10 days after the operation.
  • The interruption of work can be between 7 and 10 days.
  • Any physical activity is not recommended before total recovery. This can take 1 to 2 months.

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The results of the intervention

The results of a breast ptosis operation can only be seen one year later from the day of surgery. During this time it is advisable to have a visit every 3 or 6 months. The scars will be visible for a long time and will evolve unpredictably, so it is advisable to monitor their appearance.

It is also possible that a slight asymmetry of the breast remains. If a correction needs to be made, it is best to wait at least 1 or 2 years.
Eventually, the breasts will evolve normally as a result of weight and hormonal changes.

Cost and management of breast ptosis

Breast augmentation or decrease surgery and ptosis itself are not covered by health insurance because they are considered purely cosmetic operations. The costs will therefore be entirely borne by the patient.

However, it is possible that the expense is partially covered in cases where breast ptosis is associated with breast hypertrophy.

The price for a breast ptosis operation can vary between 3,000 and 4,500 euros.

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