Dreaming of dogs - meaning and possible interpretations

At first thought, dreaming of dogs could only take on a positive meaning. After all, who does not associate with these wonderful creatures, feelings of joy, fidelity, love and a boundless universe of noble values? Yet, as always happens, every dream contains within itself multiple values ​​and interpretations of the most varied meanings.

Also in this case, therefore, we must pay attention to the many details that the dream that has one or more dogs as its protagonist tells us. From the color of the coat, to the size or to the races, to the personality and attitude of our four-legged friend: everything plays a central role in giving an exact interpretation of what your unconscious wants to communicate to you.
Then there is a detail that more than others represents a fundamental discriminant to get to give a correct interpretation, that is, whether it is your dog or that of a stranger. It can be generally said that in the first case, dreams will be charged with positive values, in the second, however, they will indicate less pleasant situations and sensations.

To begin to familiarize yourself a little with the dream world and its symbols, here are some examples of recurring dreams accompanied by their most common meanings in the video that follows.

The dog and its symbolism

In principle, the figure of the dog can indicate the following semantic areas. It will then be the details that appear in dreams, as already specified, to outline a "comprehensive and suitable interpretation for the dreamer in question and his personal and unconscious path.

  • The instinctive part: the dog can be the symbol of his own instinct and of the most ancestral and hidden vital impulses. It can therefore indicate that we live an "interiority that is excessively crushed and repressed or, on the contrary, too uninhibited and unrestrained that could bring us a lot of trouble. In general, if the four-legged subject is happy, docile and looking for pampering, it means that the dreamer lives a life in balance with himself and his inner world; if, on the other hand, the dog shows aggression or is not in a position to express his freedom, the dream could reveal to us that we are imprisoned in a personality that does not correspond to us.
  • Loyalty, love, protection: dreaming of a dog could also simply indicate that we are safe, that we must continue, confident, on our way or that the support of a loyal and trusted person will soon arrive, who will support us and show us his affection. sincere.
  • A person - the dog can also be the personification of a dear and close figure. In this circumstance, the race, the color and the behavior he assumes during the dream, should help us to identify which person it is. Warning: it could also have a negative value, if the attitude is hostile and anything but friendly. In this case, therefore, from the signification of friendship and fidelity, it could turn into disappointment and possible betrayal.
  • Aggression, anger, fear, lack of freedom: the dog can also be associated with negative semantic spheres, where in the dream it appears as a bearer of anguished feelings or if it shows an aggressive, angry and ferocious attitude. Also in this circumstance the meanings are linked in a particular way to two areas: the relationship with oneself and one's inner world or the ability to relate to others and, more generally, the quality of interpersonal relationships and the characteristics of people us closer.

See also

Dreaming of betraying: meaning and possible interpretations

Dreaming of eggs - meaning and possible interpretations

Dreaming of a wedding dress: meaning and possible interpretations

Dreaming of a free and affectionate dog

As already anticipated, dreams of this type can indicate that we have a good relationship with ourselves and our more instinctual side, but also that we are surrounded by loyal people whom we can trust and to whom we can totally rely.

However, if the dog is particularly affectionate and looking for cuddles, then the situation could take a negative turn. In fact, if our favorite quadruped is intent on licking us constantly and is very much in need of affection, the dream reveals a lack of affection and a deep desire to be loved and understood.

Dreaming of a sleeping dog

Beware of this dream, which at first glance could communicate calm, serenity and tranquility.
In fact, if the dog is engaged in a long sleep, it is prompting us to reflect on our life choices. The sleeping dog represents in fact ourselves and our little attentive and vigilant attitude on what surrounds us and that we are living with passivity, superficiality and absence of a critical spirit. With this dream then, our unconscious wants to remind us of a "golden opportunity" and an "unmissable" opportunity that we could be about to let go.

Dreaming of a white dog

The color of the dog's coat is crucial to reveal if we are dreaming of something beautiful or if we are about to be warned by someone or by possible threatening events or harbingers of danger.

If the dog is white, we can rest assured: the dream will in fact be loaded with positive messages, because this color has always been a symbol of peace, light and purity. It can mean that we live a life in harmony, that we are surrounded by the right people, and that our path is in line with our innermost desires. It can also be an encouragement to move towards choices about which we have hesitations and doubts, giving us hope and self-confidence.

A black dog

If, on the contrary, the color of the mantle is black, then the meaning of the dream will approach the darkest areas of betrayal and unhappiness, false friendships and in general will reveal negative messages applicable to the most varied areas of life. , at least in Western culture, it is associated with darker and less pleasant meanings, the fact remains that if the dog that appears to you in a dream, even if with a dark coat, should communicate freedom and a general sense of happiness, for example by running free in an endless expanse of grass, then this feeling should prevail.

Dreaming of your own dog

As previously said, if we dream of our dog, we will have to rest assured because it indicates all the positive values ​​that man's best friend normally embodies in the common traditional iconography and symbolism.
Different is the case in which the dog of our dream should belong to a stranger: here the feelings aroused will be of insecurity, danger and alertness or they will indicate something fearful and unpleasant and familiar.

There is also a particular dream: dreaming of your dog that is no longer there. In this case, in addition to remembering a faithful companion whom you loved so much, your unconscious reminds you that you are lucky and loved people, that your life is full of trust and hope, and to tell you this, it could only rely on one of the figures sweetest and most loving you have ever known in your life. You may be seized by a strange sense of melancholy for your friend, which you still miss, but being able to meet him again in a dream is a way to instill trust and relive that great and unconditional love that made you who you are today.

Barking dog

A barking dog is generally a bad sign, but even here we need to pay attention to the details and the type of "language" it communicates.

  • If in addition to barking, it shows aggression, anger or a ferocious and grumpy attitude, it can mean that we live a conflictual relationship with ourselves, our partner or our most intimate and instinctive part.
  • If the animal's cry is closer to the howl, then the dream indicates suffering, imminent danger or that someone dear to us needs immediate help.

Dreaming of a dog that bites

Again, the outcomes are ambivalent and include both positive and negative meanings.
If the bite causes pain, it means that dangers and troubles are on the way, if, on the contrary, it does not hurt, then it is only warning us against unpleasant situations, and must be considered a help in all respects.

If a dog that is injured, weak or in pain appears in your dreams

  • A dog in pain, sickness or in distress indicates that our instinctual part is repressed or not in harmony with our entire personality. Similarly, if the poor animal is dead or dying, our dream can only communicate a discomfort experienced internally rather than with the outside.
  • A lame dog could allude to a friend or loved one in need who needs our help.
  • Dog chained or in a cage, again represents the repression of our deepest and most intimate instincts. We are always in the context of the relationship with oneself.
  • A stray or abandoned dog is a symbol of loneliness, marginalization, fear of losing someone or something. Unlike the previous one, this dream highlights our way of relating to others and the needs and requirements we manifest on a social level.

Different types of dog: hunting or guard

A hunting dog heralds the imminent arrival of successes, especially in the professional field. When instead the protagonist of our dreams is a guard dog - like a wolf dog or a German shepherd - then it will mean that our unconscious is showing the need for protection. and a desire to be supported and supported during a moment of particular difficulty.

See also: All the curiosities about dogs you did not know!

© iStock All the curiosities about dogs you didn't know!

Dog puppies

This type of dream is generally positive and not excessively alarming, but it is necessary to make specifics and take into account different aspects, analyzing it as always in every detail.

  • A small dog or more tender and affectionate puppies indicate the need for love and affection, or the desire to reconcile with one's most intimate and vulnerable part, often feared and therefore kept away.
  • If in addition to these manifestations of affection, the puppies also tear clothes and shoes, strange as it may seem to the dreamer, the dream is communicating that great news is coming.
  • If, then, no damage is caused to clothing, then it means that we are dealing with friendly people, who can really be trusted and who should not be afraid.

All these activities, however, are negative if the dogs in question do not belong to us but are owned by strangers.

This type of dream is always very recurrent among pregnant women: the puppies in this case, symbolize the new baby on the way, and is the bearer of joy, sweetness, hope and serenity.

The other meanings related to the symbolism of the dog

  • Playing with a dog: this undoubtedly has a positive value. The case in which we play with several dogs is different: in these cases, our unconscious tells us that we can have a stingy and not very altruistic attitude. It is therefore an invitation to review one's attitudes, especially one's way of approaching others.
  • Dog that fights with a similar one or other more or less ferocious animals, for example the cat or the snake: it indicates the presence of an inner conflict or an uneventful relationship with people dear to us (especially where the fight should take place with animals of different species).
  • Being chased by a dog: it means that we are surrounded by people with a too oppressive and intrusive attitude. It is therefore an invitation to open your eyes, evaluate the various relationships we are surrounded by as well as an encouragement to change your attitude or leave behind. certain unedifying and virtuous relationships.
  • Dreaming of killing a dog means that we are causing damage to ourselves.It can only reveal a masochistic and counterproductive attitude that causes us suffering, discomfort and unhappiness.
  • Turning into a dog: a radical change is taking place, especially from a personal point of view.
  • A little dog giving birth is the symbol of the liberation of our most intimate senses and instincts or the beginning of new projects and creations.
  • Dog that does its own needs: release of negative feelings that have troubled us and prevent us from being calm and in harmony.

Neapolitan grimace: all the numbers associated with the figure of the dog

If man's best friend appears in the dream, pay close attention to the details, so that you can possibly carve out a space for a little luck, especially if you are superstitious and love to woo the Goddess Fortuna or be tempted by it.
If you are a lover of numerology or a fan of the Lotto game, the Neapolitan Grimace - a real Bible in these cases - can only come to your aid, suggesting the numbers corresponding to each specific situation concerning the dogs that appeared in a dream.

The dog is usually associated with the number 6; if he barks during the dream, then you can bet on 36, if he bites on 52, if instead he sleeps, the number to play will be 32.
If the dog is free, he is neither tied nor on a leash, the corresponding number is 72, if he is angry or with a fierce and unfriendly appearance, 49 must instead be played, if he is an abandoned or stray dog ​​then bet all about 41.
Finally, here are the two numbers related to the dog's coat: if it is white you will have to choose 23, if on the contrary it is black, bet on the number 13.

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