Clio Make Up is moved on Instagram and we send her a message

It is with his voice broken by tears that Clio tells his followers the reasons behind his estrangement from New York. The make-up artist from Belluno has lived for years in the Big Apple with her husband Claudio, little Grace, 2 and a half years old, and a baby in her womb about to be born.

“New York was no longer to be considered a safe city for us, especially in my conditions”, these are the statements of Clio in the stories. The States, in fact, have plunged into total chaos due to the Coronavirus and people, panicked, certainly did not sing sympathetic choruses on the balconies, but ran for cover, creating endless lines outside the gun shops.

"When we realized that the American people are not at all equal to the Italian people, we began to fear the reaction of the people more than the virus". It is well known, in fact, that the United States has a serious problem with weapons: it is estimated that, for a population of 327 million inhabitants, there are over 350 million weapons in circulation. Clio and family, then, had no choice but to move to the home of a dear friend away from the big cities. There they can stay safe and feel protected.

"Everything will be fine, Clio"

We take this opportunity to send a message of encouragement to Clio, one of the examples of Made in Italy to be proud of in the world, which we adore for its being genuine and for the sincere relationship it has been able to build over the years. with its fanbase. Her shiny eyes moved us and, therefore, for what it's worth, we would like to remind her, as they say in Italy, that "everything will be fine".

P.S. we are sure that you will be an extraordinary mother, your (justified) apprehension is a demonstration of this.

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The story of Clio makeup gives the idea that in #Usa the problem is double, he had to leave New York for the fear of too many armed men running around in the big apple ... the palpable anxiety

- Marco Ferraglioni (@MFerraglioni) March 18, 2020

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