Cooked ham during pregnancy: eat it or avoid it?

You have discovered that you are pregnant and the first problem is nutrition. What can you eat and what should be excluded during the 9 months before giving birth? It is true, some foods can be harmful for mother and baby, so it is better to avoid them. or halve the doses. Let's see what to do regarding the consumption of cooked ham. We also leave you a video with all the foods to watch out for during pregnancy.

Can I eat cooked ham when pregnant?

Pregnancy is a magical period for the expectant mother, although as we know well, there are many precautions to be taken. Paying attention to nutrition, choosing the right products, fresh and light combinations, will help not to put on too much weight and arrive at the birth calmly. Cured meats are the first big worry that every woman has after discovering about pregnancy. We have good news: cooked ham is one of the safest cured meats to eat during pregnancy so it can be eaten without problems. But be careful to choose a quality one and accompany it with a source of fiber and a small portion of carbohydrates to have a complete meal. The answer leaves no doubt, with a little foresight, you can eat a nice ham sandwich even during the 9 months of gestation.

See also

Is it possible to eat ice cream when pregnant or better to avoid it?

Raw ham during pregnancy: is it among the allowed foods?

Sharenting: what it is and why it would be better to avoid it

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Calories and nutritional values ​​of cooked ham

The number one rule that applies even when you are not pregnant is always to vary the diet as much as possible to provide the body with all the nutrients it needs. A varied and complete diet is always the best choice, so that the development of the fetus does not encounter any kind of problem and also the mother does not gain too much weight and then risks not being able to return to her ideal weight after childbirth. As already mentioned, cooked ham during pregnancy is not forbidden, indeed it is recommended, but always in the right portions and without ever exaggerating. How many calories does cooked ham have and what are its nutritional values?
If we consider 100g of cooked ham, we will have a caloric intake of about 220kcal. The proteins will be equal to 15.7g, carbohydrates 1.7g, finally the fats 7.6g. Especially as regards the calories, there is not much difference between cooked ham and raw ham, only in the second the amount of salt increases a lot. Beware, however, raw ham, unlike cooked ham, is banned in pregnancy, due to the risk of toxoplasmosis. But let's go in order.

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Ham in pregnancy: what you need to know

Learning to keep calories at bay in pregnancy is a great secret to getting back in shape right away at the end of 9 months. The basic rule is to eat a little bit of everything, but with absolute control over the portions. So how many quantities of cooked ham during pregnancy can you consume? Can cooked ham be bad for you? Is cooked ham better or is raw ham preferable? We know that these are the most frequently asked questions about cooked ham during pregnancy, which is why we will try to answer them in detail.
As for cold cuts and meat in general, during pregnancy it is better to prefer them cooked; this is because contact with high temperatures contributes to the elimination of bacteria that can be harmful to the baby. What can we add about the consumption of cooked ham during pregnancy? Certainly the quality of the chosen cured meat greatly influences: it is better to have it sliced ​​fresh at the deli counter of the supermarket, rather than relying on cured meats whose origin and provenance are not known.
The ideal would be to have a shop of trust and reference and to prefer the product cut on the spot and not pre-packaged in trays. Last precaution that applies to all cooked and raw sausages is to always consume them in moderation, alternating them with other dishes to cover the daily calorie requirement.

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The risks on the consumption of sausages during pregnancy

In pregnancy it is very common to be assaulted by cravings, there is no need to worry it's normal, it will be months in which you will want to try all the foods you have never tasted. The problem arises when the desire for a food that would take over is better not to consume during gestation. Also in this case it can be remedied simply by choosing something similar to what you want, as in the case of cooked ham to be preferred to raw ham. And then, just think that it is a renunciation to do only for 9 months, it's worth it and won't weigh you down.
Which cured meats are banned in pregnancy? It's very simple, all raw ones. Here's a list.

  • salami
  • raw ham
  • sausage
  • capocollo
  • bresaola

The risk of eating these sausages lies in the fact of contracting toxoplasmosis, a disease caused by a bacterium present in raw meat and cured meats. It can be very dangerous for the development of the child and in general cause malformations, so in any case, even if you have undergone the toxo test, it is better to avoid endangering your health and that of the fetus.

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The cured meats to be preferred

Green light instead, to the consumption of cold cuts such as mortadella, roast turkey or cooked ham during pregnancy.
We reveal a secret: if you really can't give up your favorite salami, you can always cook it. Here is an example. A pizza with salami cooked in the oven at high temperatures is a sin of gluttony that you can satisfy without remorse.
An advice that we want to give you and that always applies, even more so when you are pregnant, is to reduce the consumption of industrial foods: additives, preservatives, acidifiers are substances that it would be better not to consume during pregnancy. Yes, al fresco, Italian-style and sliced ​​at the moment.

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