To each zodiac sign its own part of the body!

Aries, the head

Those born under the sign of Aries tend to be represented by the head. Fiery and passionate sign, it represents the energy that pushes to create and generate, it is the creative force and the engine of ideas and thought that leads to action Which organ better than the head?

Tireless and always in constant dynamism, when Aries is sick or lives a particularly hard and stressed period, tends to somatize just with headaches.

Bull, the neck

Taurus, a stable and habitual sign, a lover of routine, of the house and with his feet firmly planted on the ground, is represented by the neck. It is no coincidence that it is called "bull neck", precisely to allude to a certain solidity and massive size. Also in this case, this is precisely the part of the body in which those born under the sign of Taurus somatize the most. Throat problems, laryngitis and tracheitis are in fact the most recurrent discomforts for bulls, especially where there are psychosomatic disorders.

See also

The Carnival costume for every zodiac sign

Gemini: everything there is to know about this zodiac sign!

Decluttering: what to eliminate based on the zodiac sign

Twins, hands

Gemini, due to their dual nature, could only be represented by the hands. They are the masculine and feminine energy that meet, the union of the parts and the mix that leads to the creation and complementarity of opposites.

Cancer, the breast

Those born under the sign of Cancer are represented by the breast, for women, and more generally by the chest. It is a very sensitive sign, also led to close itself due to an "excessive sensitivity. After all, the breast is a symbol of nourishment, recollection and also closure in oneself, qualities that are combined with the personality and temperament of the born under the breast of Cancer This is why the part in which they somatize the most is digestion.

Lion, the heart

Leo is represented by the heart. Solid and fiery, he is always charged with energy to complete projects and challenge almost unattainable ambitions, making them his routine. He is animated by a continuous need for balance, to refocus himself and give himself the opportunity to make the most of. He does not admit to wasting unnecessary energy, but everything must flow as he foresees to reach his goals and achieve them.

Virgin, intestine

Those born under the sign of Virgo are represented by the intestine. Precise, meticulous and with an analytical and super-rigorous approach, they could only express themselves at their best through this organ which is a sort of secondary brain. Also in this case, digestion is affected where there are somatization problems and psychosomatic disorders.

Libra, the backbone

Those born under the sign of Libra embody balance and measure and could only be represented by the spine. In a perennial search for balance, aesthetic and psychological, the sign of Libra aspires to perfection and the harmony of the parts that support the whole, just as the spine keeps us standing.

Scorpio, reproductive parts

Scorpio is represented by the reproductive parts. Often introverted and not inclined to be sociable, it is not surprising that his nature is tied to that of his private parts. And it is precisely problems relating to the reproductive organs that arise in those born under the sign of Scorpio in case of malaise or stress and psychosomatic disorders.

Sagittarius, the legs

Those born under the sign of Sagittarius are very active and dynamic people, they love sports and are animated by a continuous need for dynamism and movement. This is why their favorite body part is represented by the lower limbs. It is precisely the legs that are their most sensitive part, subject to disorders in the case of stress problems or psychosomatic disorders.

Capricorn, the knees!

Capricorn is represented by the knees or the skeleton in general. Demanding and ambitious people, they are animated by a continuous solicitation to give their best and go beyond their limits, this can lead to discomfort and annoyance, especially at the level of the joints.

Aquarius, ear and ankles

Those born under the sign of "Aquarius are represented by the ears, but not only. C" is another "part of the body that represents them: the ankles. They are people animated by a strong creative spirit and at the same time, by a sense of lightness. This is why the ankles also represent their weak point, as they are not very stable and planted on the ground, but always inclined to get lost in the clouds with the gaze upwards.

Fish, feet and skin

We are facing the most spiritual and ethereal sign of the universe. They are represented by the feet, part of the body in which all the endings of the organs converge, thus acting as a sort of map that harmoniously brings together all the parts of the whole. Not only that, being very sensitive, they tend to have a hard time putting a barrier between themselves and the world: this is why the skin is the second element to represent them. Precisely that border between themselves and the world that they struggle to hold firmly.

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