6 false myths about men that will do you good to know

How easy is it to lock a category into a series of stereotypes? With us women it happens so often that we are now used to defending ourselves. What about male partners? They too bear on their shoulders the weight of a series of expectations that we women first give rise to. Always ready to judge, wouldn't it be appropriate to stop expecting certain attitudes from our men? Let's see some myths about the male sex and start accepting the fact that men are sweet and love animals, check out this video:

1. Man is only interested in sex

The important thing to remember is that if a man likes to have sex, and that's what he's looking for from you, it doesn't mean he's not also interested in love or in a relationship. One thing doesn't exclude the other, and it is possible to want them. both (indeed, it is healthy to want sexual intercourse to work). If, on the other hand, he does not want to commit to a relationship, he is a person who, regardless of gender, is looking for something light at a certain point in his life.
In addition, many men pretend to be interested only in sex, just to confirm an "image that they usually have in group contexts, or in social situations in general. But beware: men are still human, yes, but without sex. love is not always enough ...

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2. Big hands and feet ...

Yet science does not confirm. Hands, feet, or even a big nose are not objectively determining factors for a man's penis size. Unfortunately or fortunately you have to accept that to find out what awaits you between his legs, you will have to unwrap the package, and manage the surprise in the best possible way ...

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3. Man does not like to commit

Although it is a widely held stereotype that the man is the fugitive in the face of commitment and the woman the poor champion of abandoned love, as it turns out instead it would always be the man who insists on officially introducing his partner to friends and family. Furthermore, he would appreciate public displays of affection more than the woman and is usually the first to insist on moving in together. This is due to the genetic question that makes a man the one who finds his woman, chooses her among the others, and then wants to keep her.

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4. Man cannot fake orgasm

Instead he does, and if he has a condom, he can do it very easily. Why do you fake orgasm? Why do you do it? (There is no woman who hasn't faked it, at least once in her life!). Satisfying an expectation, being unable to bear frustration, the reasons are varied and yes, they are similar to those of women.

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5. Man is a hunter in the relationship

What happens in the 2000s? 90% of guys say they feel comfortable if the woman asks them out. Do the men of the past no longer exist? But the women of the past no longer exist either. Man today can choose to want to be the hunter or the hunter. And so can the woman. And isn't it easier and more fun to be the hunter to be conquered, instead of always taking on all the responsibilities of the hunter?

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6. Man does not like outpouring in public

Whether they are "mammoni" or not, the man can hardly resist pampering. Very often, the woman is more reluctant to tenderness in public than her partner. This is because the predisposition to exchanges of effusions is more of a character factor than linked to difference of gender ... therefore, to everyone the pampering they deserve!

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Speaking of false myths ... maybe it's time to take a look at some real myths, without debunking it ...

Tags:  Actuality Old-Luxury Love-E-Psychology