Total hair removal

Total hair removal: the pros

  • Hygiene: hair, as we know, retain microbes and odors. Total hair removal provides greater hygiene and allows the skin to hydrate more easily.
  • Sexual pleasure: Those accustomed to total hair removal say that sexual pleasure is more intense when the skin is stripped. Some women prefer to be well shaved before their partner engages in cunnilingus, it seems that the sensations experienced are much more arousing.
  • Aesthetics: of course, walking in a bikini on the beach with the Amazon rainforest emerging from the sides of the swimsuit is not very glamorous! Total hair removal allows you to be on the safe side: no superfluous hair in sight.

Total hair removal: the cons

  • Not everyone likes it: if some men are crazy about it, others hate it! Some men find this type of hair removal vulgar because it is also used by porn actresses, while others find it gives a woman a little girl look and they don't find it exciting at all.
  • It requires a certain constancy: unfortunately for us, hair grows back quickly! Total hair removal must be constantly maintained: scrub, hydration, hair removal every 3 or 4 weeks ... a full time job!
  • Neutralizes the natural antibacterial protection: if the hairs exist it is because they are useful for something! Their first task is to protect the intimate mucous membranes from external microbes.

See also

Permanent hair removal: what are the most effective methods?

Groin hair removal: wax or razor? The best methods for int

Hair removal: when to wax based on the moon

Before proceeding with the reading, we recommend some small tricks to always have a hydrated and clean skin in order not to irritate it when you shave.

Total groin hair removal: razor or Brazilian wax? All methods

You have different methods of hair removal on the groin, even do-it-yourself, for an optimal and lasting result: from hot wax, to depilatory strips, to the more delicate Arab waxing, to the definitive laser. Here are the pros and cons of all. .

  • The razor: it is the simplest tool to use, the least expensive and probably the most practical, but it is certainly not the most appropriate for a total hair removal! In fact, the razor irritates the skin and is not an effective long-term solution: the hairs grow back after 3 days, rather hard and often under the skin.

  • Depilatory creams: as with the razor, these creams are effective on day X, but then the hair grows back in no time! Furthermore, some of their components can cause serious irritation if they come into contact with the mucous membranes.

  • The tweezers: very effective (the hairs are pulled out together with the bulb) and quite painless, it is still a rather laborious technique! Try it if you have a day to throw away but, good luck!

  • Waxing: it is by far the best technique for full hair removal. Quick, the hairs are plucked effectively and lastingly! The only negative is the pain. Except for the rare fearless ones who dare to shave themselves, we recommend that you make an appointment with a beautician, preferably if it is quick, delicate and self-confident.

  • The laser or pulsed light: it can be an interesting alternative, but to be effective it requires more than one intervention. Attention, this is a permanent hair removal method, so think carefully before taking this step!

Tips for a perfect total hair removal

  • Proceed step by step: don't get rid of your fur in one fell swoop, proceed in stages. Crotch crotch, Brazilian hair removal and finally full length, you will get used to the changes… and to the pain!

  • Let your body rest: constantly shaving ruins your skin, so don't torture yourself all year round, and let your hair rest in winter!

  • Disinfect first and then hydrate: to avoid the risk of infection and skin irritation. There are also moisturizing lotions that slow down hair regrowth.

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