DIY pedicure: how to do it at home in 9 steps!

To have healthy and beautiful feet it is necessary to take care of them with a certain consistency and reserve them an adequate beauty routine, just as we usually do with the skin of the face and body.

Foot care is in fact often underestimated and neglected, but it always remains a fundamental skin care gesture, especially in spring and summer, when the mild climate of the season allows us to wear sandals and open shoes.But to show off perfect feet, it is enough to periodically dedicate yourself to an accurate pedicure: it is not necessary to go to the beautician, it can also be done at home at virtually no cost.

One of the essential steps is to apply a DIY scrub, to eliminate dead cells, smooth the skin and make it softer and more radiant. Here we offer you a natural recipe based on whole pink Himalayan salt, an essential oil of passion fruit with nourishing power and rice starch, with a soothing action.

Here are tips and natural remedies for a perfect DIY pedicure in 9 simple steps!

See also

Aesthetic pedicure: how is it different from the curative one?

Healing pedicure: that's why you should do it all year round

Pedicure: how to have perfect feet in a few simple steps

1. Remove the nail polish

First, you need to get the nail polish off well, if you have it, using a mild nail polish remover that won't damage your nails. Just use a simple cotton swab and place it on each nail, taking care to wait a few seconds before rubbing to make sure that the nail polish softens a little. "Avoid doing it transversely, because you would get your toes dirty, concentrate instead only on the nail, moving perpendicularly.

2. Take a foot bath

To clean your feet thoroughly and give them a relaxing and purifying treatment, dedicate yourself to a foot bath based on sodium bicarbonate or coarse kitchen salt, the latter particularly suitable for counteracting swelling and water retention.

So dissolve one of the two ingredients in a bowl of hot water and, if you want, add an essential oil of your choice to give a pleasant scent.
Alternatively, also opt for rice starch, white vinegar or lemon juice.

Then immerse your feet for at least 5-10 minutes.

3. Apply a scrub

It is a fundamental beauty treatment to remove dead skin, especially in the most complicated points, such as on the heels, where thickening of the skin, corns and calluses accumulate.

At the beginning we saw an easy and effective recipe that exploited the properties of the pink salt of the Himalayas, also suitable for the body, here we propose two other recipes to make a perfect foot scrub with natural ingredients.

The first involves the use of sodium bicarbonate, ideal for exfoliating the skin and removing dead cells, combined with a moisturizing and emollient product such as yogurt or honey.
So take two tablespoons of the first and two of yogurt, mix everything and add a few drops of lemon with anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant power. Apply it vigorously especially in the most difficult points, making circular massages to favor a natural reactivation of blood circulation.

The second exfoliating beauty treatment is a little more decisive because it involves the use of coarse salt. However, its action is softened by extra virgin olive oil - or by that of flax seeds or sweet almonds - all ingredients with a highly moisturizing and emollient power.

4. Rinse with a second "relaxing" and soothing foot bath

Now immerse your feet a second time in a basin; in this case, however, we just have to remove the residues of the scrub. For this reason, let's simply fill it with warm water and perfumed salts or a few drops of essential oil, such as lavender, known for its healing and soothing properties.

5. Use the pumice stone or rasp

Always use the pumice stone or rasp to remove any calluses and calluses. So focus only on the heel area and the sole of the foot.

15 minutes The DIY heel scrub recipe
  • bicarbonate
  • lemon
  • honey

6. Apply a nourishing mask

After cleaning your feet, now dedicate yourself to hydration with a nourishing do-it-yourself mask.
Always choose rich and emollient ingredients such as honey, yogurt or avocado, among the most used remedies in the beauty field.

Here are two super effective recipes:

  • Take some avocado pulp, add an egg yolk and a few drops of lemon. This recipe is also suitable for strengthening nail cuticles.
  • Take 3 tablespoons of yogurt and 2 of honey, add the juice of half a lemon and you will get a homogeneous and soft mixture. If you prefer an even sweeter version, add honey, an egg and a little extra virgin olive oil (or coconut oil or sweet madorle).

Apply the mixture and let it act for at least 10 minutes.

7. Cut and file your nails

Now dedicate yourself to the care of your nails: cut them and pass the file to make them uniform and give them the shape you prefer. After doing this, with the help of tweezers, take care of removing cuticles and arranging the cuticles well.

8. Apply a moisturizer

Now spread a generous amount of cream all over the foot, from the toes, up to the neck, heels and ankles, messaging energetically to reactivate the circulation.
Again, you can proceed with a do-it-yourself solution. The most suitable ingredients in addition to those mentioned above, are aloe vera gel, shea butter, cocoa or beeswax.

9. Apply the nail polish

Don't forget to apply a protective and strengthening base. Then apply two coats of the nail polish of your choice, nude or colored, and then spread the top coat, essential to make it last longer and guarantee a flawless luminous finish.
Use nail spacers or small cotton balls to avoid getting your toes dirty.

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