Test: What character of "The Queen of Chess" are you?

The Netflix mini-series that has brought many closer to the game of chess, has entered the hearts of anyone who has watched it. The beautiful protagonist, Beth aka Anya Taylor-Joy, has captivated with her red hair and that intriguing look, every single viewer. So between crazy costumes, top hairstyles, a fascinating story, well-defined and captivating characters, there's a little new podium in our favorites list. And this even if for you a chessboard until today was this one in the video, look:

Test: What character of "The Queen of Chess" are you?

The story behind the series is not based on a true story, it is a story based on the novel of the same name by Walter Tevis. The beauty, however, is that we come to wonder if there will be something true and we also fall in love a little with the protagonist. . Empathizing with our heroine is very easy, as she manages to empower herself in a male world, to win for her intelligence and not for her beauty, despite the fact that she knows she is beautiful and even if her life is a continuous succession of misfortunes. His misfortunes become his strength, but they are also often the pivot of his weakness. Her passion, her talent and her determination manage to make her emerge, obviously with the beneficial help of a team of friends and the good hand of fate. Now in this constellation of characters and plots, who represents you the most? Take our test and find out, here:

See also

Test / Which Little Women Character Are You?

Test: which Mean Girls character are you?

Test: Which Gray's Anatomy Character Is Your Ideal Man?

Find out which Harry Potter movie you are based on the color you associate with your personality: take the test to know which installment of the saga you are!

Tags:  Parenthood Kitchen Old-Home