Test: What do others notice about you first?

What strikes you about the people you know? Sometimes you focus on a detail of the face, a look, a way of doing things, the hair cut, the color of the eyes. As to you it affects something specific in the people around you, this happens accordingly to others when they meet you. Do you know what is striking about you? Before you find out with our test, watch the video to find out what shouldn't strike you about others:

Test: What do others notice first about you?

We are all a little aware of our strengths, but we can hardly ever actually know what others like about us. So what do others notice about you? A look, a smile, your hands, your character? our test what hits you first:

See also

Personality test: how good are you to others?

Test: how much do others envy you?

Personality test: how nice are you to others?

And if you know what is striking about you, are you good at seducing and exploiting your qualities, or are you a piece of wood? Find out how much you know how to seduce, take the test:

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