Dreaming of children - meanings and interpretations

To understand the right meaning of a dream starring a child, it is necessary to take into consideration several elements, such as the age of the boy (or girl), who may be a newborn or already a few years old, the actions he performs in the image. dream, its appearance and the sensations you felt while you were dreaming. In fact, every detail can partially modify the interpretation of the dream. In general, however, dreaming of children refers to the archetype of the dream. Puer aeternus, or the "" eternal child "or the" inner child ", explained by Jung: it consists of a return to the infantile stage of each of us, before we learned and made our parents' rules. For this reason, it often does not change if you dreamed of a male boy or girl.

If you want to familiarize yourself with the dream world before discovering every meaning and interpretation of dreams with children, here is what the scenarios that appear to us most frequently in sleep tell us:

Dreaming of a laughing child

If a beautiful, serene and happy child appeared to you in a dream, then you "met" during your sleep the "inner child" present in each of us. It is precisely that Puer aeternus of which Jung spoke: it is the symbol of the return to childhood, which means the hidden desire to leave behind all the norms and commitments that one must follow or fulfill every day and re-embrace the lightheartedness of the first years of life.

Then, dreaming of a carefree little child for a parent is a symbol of their child growing well, while, in general, it can also mean the success of a future project that you have "in the pipeline". If in the dream image there were two or more children, then they represent all your potential that you can exploit in the best way.

See also

Dreaming of fish - meanings and interpretations

Dreaming of flowers - meanings and interpretations

Dreaming of horses - meanings and interpretations

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Dreaming of a crying baby

Dreaming of a child - or a girl - crying often does not have a "unique interpretation. A first meaning is to be found in one's childhood or adolescence: in fact, it indicates a past pain - only in time but not in the mind - a trauma or a great disappointment that can thus manifest itself at the level of the unconscious. In many cases, this great suffering has not been metabolized or is something that has not yet been identified: it could have been a bad experience lived at home, at school or in one of the environments frequented by children.

Another "other interpretation is directly connected to our mood of that period: it happens that you have had this dream in a particularly tiring moment of your life, stressful and tiring especially from an emotional point of view, or when you have not been able to realize it. your desires and you're grappling with a frustrating new beginning. Everything that one tries to "contain" inside the psyche during the day emerges at night and "explodes" in a thunderous cry, because the unconscious part of anyone needs an outlet.

Finally, a crying toddler can represent a friend or family member who is currently in a difficult situation. Our maternal and protective instinct emerges during sleep and leads us to console it, at least at the level of the unconscious.

Dreaming of a child playing

As in the case of a crying child, even one or more children who play - at home, at school or outside - take on different interpretations in the dream world. In general, the dreamer needs to escape from everyday life and from the different responsibilities, therefore his playfulness and his carefree sleep emerges. Hence the positive meaning of this dream, because it can indicate wealth, future possibilities and resources. On the contrary, there are those who consider it an image from the negative value, symbol of immaturity, irresponsibility and a continuous lack of commitment, because it is synonymous with an individual who always wants to remain "small" and unable to grow.

If, on the other hand, one does not dream of a child playing, but the dreamer sees himself playing with it, then the theory of Freud's school must be applied. The father of psychoanalysis had become famous for his interpretation of dreams, often linked to the sexual sphere. Having dreamed of playing with a newborn is linked precisely to sexual desire and means a push to the act of masturbation.

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Dreaming of a dead child

More than a dream, it would be normal for us to call it a "nightmare" for the sense of anguish it leaves us when we wake up. In fact, dreaming of the dead always brings a feeling of restlessness, but when the protagonists are newborns the meanings are very different. In general, dreaming of a dead child indicates a complete detachment from childhood, to definitively head towards adulthood, with its responsibilities and commitments.

Then, a "further interpretation is that of the representation of one's fears and anxieties or even the failure to fulfill a desire or life project. Finally, for parents, seeing dead children in dreams indicates the realization of their worst fears. Being a mother or dad leads to a continuous thought, voluntary or not, concerning the health and well-being of the child. Dreaming of him dead could be the result of a substantial load of worries towards their little one, who is "freed" at night in this form dreamlike.

Dreaming of a sleeping baby

If in one of your dreams there was a sleeping child, then your unconscious is struggling with your rational part, which risks being crushed by it. In fact, since children are identified as the purest and most instinctive inner component. of each one, having dreamed of one sleeping could mean an excessive predominance of your super-ego over the id. Perhaps you are experiencing a particularly demanding period at work and, therefore, you have to let rationality prevail and you do not have much time for leisure and entertainment or you are too focused on achieving a goal, losing sight of all those activities considered playful.

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Dreaming of having a baby

In general, having a dream in which you are pregnant or giving birth can be a premonitory of a real pregnancy: it happens to many women to see, while they sleep, the unborn child in their womb or inside the placenta. However, it happens both to the future that to current parents, but also to those who, at the moment, are not planning to become a mom or dad at all: if this is also your case, having dreamed of expecting a child indicates a project or a change that is particularly close to your heart and that you also want to achieve in the workplace.

If the future mother dreamed of were not you, but a friend of yours, the most accredited interpretation is that this person will have a positive turning point in his life and a development of his potential. In fact, one of the generic meanings of this dream is that of a new beginning or a good news.

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Other meanings of dreams with children

As already mentioned, the variants of dreams with children are so many and maybe you have done one with different details. Here is a concise summary of other interpretations and meanings:

  • Holding a baby in your arms: cradling a baby and, above all, holding it in your arms, indicates a strong sense of motherhood or the desire to manifest it. In general, the child can represent someone or something that you want to protect and maybe worry about.
  • Dreaming of angry, dirty or bad children - the unconscious part that represents lightness is oppressed by the serious and rigorous one. Conscious and unconscious are out of balance: probably what you need is some entertainment.
  • Breastfeeding or feeding a newborn: for some it means feeding one's "inner child", or giving attention to the most irrational and naive part of us. For others, it means feeling the need to take care of another person.
  • Dreaming of children with beautiful hair: if in the dream your attention is captured above all by the child's hair, whether it is blonde, brunette or red, then it means that a new breath of creativity is coming, along with positive changes.
  • Dreaming of twin babies - it represents not only a strong maternal (or parternal) instinct, but also announces an event that will lead you to a double chance and a situation of uncertainty.
  • Talking with a child: indicates the dialogue with the best and purest part of our conscience.
  • Dreaming of an orphaned child: it assumes the interpretation of the "request for help". The dreamer needs a relative or a friend to come to his rescue.

Neapolitan grimace: all the numbers linked to the symbolism of dreams with children

Maybe you want to try your luck after dreaming of one or more children. In this case, rely on the numbers suggested by the Neapolitan Smorfia, an authentic institution when you want to play Lotto. Obviously, to know the precise number that identifies your dream, carefully rethink everything that was present in your dream image: was the boy - or the girl - happy or was he crying? Did you hold him in your arms? Or, perhaps, were there two children?

  • Generic number related to dreaming of a child: 1
  • Dreaming of children: 11
  • Laughing child: 14
  • Crying child: 75
  • Child playing: 76
  • Dead child: 14
  • Expecting a child: 5
  • Child in the lap of an adult: 4
  • Gemini: 56
  • Orphaned child: 47

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