Put your baby to bed

1. Don't put him on his stomach. This position has been recommended for years, but it is now recommended that you put your baby on your back to reduce the risk of cot death. In fact, if a baby feels bad, he is unable to turn around or straighten up, while if he is lying on his back he can breathe more easily. From 6 months you can let your baby fall asleep as he wants, because he now has the strength to pull himself up if he needs it.

2. The cot with bars is required, at least up to 2 years.The space between the bars must not exceed 6 cm to prevent the child from putting his head in them.

3. Choose a latex mattress, which reduces the presence of mites and reduces the risk of respiratory allergies.

See also

Your baby is one year old

How to choose the right shoes for your baby

Hiccups in Newborns: How to Get Your Baby Hiccups Through

4. If, in the first few weeks, you panic at the idea that he sleeps alone, you can keep your baby near your bed, in a cot.

5. The mattress must be solid and of the same size as the cot: the baby could in fact slip into the space left by a too small mattress.

6. Don't forget the bumper. Babies need to fall asleep against something, and the bumper, tied to the crib bars, is soft and comfortable. Wash it often, because children's heads sweat a lot.

7. Adapt to its growth. Angel's nests are perfect in the first two months, when the baby moves little: the baby is well covered and you can move it without waking it. Up to 3 months you can also swaddle your baby, who will feel like when he was in the womb; the bandage also exerts a slight pressure on the stomach, which is very relaxing. The sleeping bag is also ideal, which covers the baby as needed, without risk.

8. The room temperature must not exceed 19 °: when it is too hot the body temperature of children rises, damaging their health. To be safe, don't hesitate to hang a thermometer in the room.

9. No smoking in the house! Passive smoking seriously damages the health of newborns and breathing difficulties increase at night due to the supine position.

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