Your he has no desire: 10 reasons why he doesn't want to have sex!

In women, the decrease in desire seems to be within the norm. But if it is the man who does not want it is a whole other story ... it is the end of the world! Yet a man who does not want to have sex (or not with the same enthusiasm or frequency as before) is not necessarily a man who cheats or who no longer loves his partner ... There are many reasons why he may not want to and to avoid having to face a couple crisis it would be useful to talk about it together, simply.

See what happens (always) when you go to live together!

See also

Sleeping together: the reasons why it is good for the couple

Questions for boyfriends: 10 questions to ask your partner!

How the lover in love behaves: a lover who loves you ultimately chooses you

Tensions in the couple

If the desire is lacking, perhaps it is because your couple is going through a difficult time. In this case, it is no one's fault, but you must both try to cure the disease at its root and solve your couple problems, perhaps with the help of a specialist who will help you to discuss peacefully.

You hold a grudge

You fought. It's a thing of the past for you, but not for him! And for a man, as well as for a woman, it is impossible to desire a person against whom one holds a grudge. So, try to make peace and start from scratch, otherwise his desire will get stuck!

It has a mechanical problem

Difficult orgasm, premature ejaculation ... If it has happened not once but several times in a row, now she is afraid of not being at the height and therefore prefers not to make love. So it's not that he doesn't want you, but he's afraid of disappointing you ...

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He has a health problem

When it comes to a serious illness, desire suffers. All his energies are focused on that goal, and so it must be. And even when it comes to a less serious illness, it often takes a lot of strength to heal. Sexual desire is put aside to allow the body to regain its balance.

He has a hormonal problem

If, for no real reason, he no longer feels like it, after a few months (two or three), ask him to do a hormonal balance. In some men, over the years, the rate of testosterone decreases, so much so that we can speak of andropause. Besides, other health problems can block the fragile mechanism of desire. Then consulting a doctor is often the best solution.

He takes some medicine

Since starting the treatment for cholesterol, ulcer, glaucoma, hypertension ..., he doesn't look at you the same way anymore. No spark in his eyes and, in the evening, he falls asleep after the movie. It seems that he no longer knows what sex is. So why not ask the doctor if the drugs he takes do not hinder the desire?

Even without having sex, a kiss is enough to feel better!

Negative emotions

Hate, anger, jealousy, anger, despair, sadness ... Each of these negative emotions pulls him to the bottom. He sees everything black, and instead desire is momentum, it is life. Only when the emotions disappear. darker feelings desire will find its way back to the surface.

The stress

He is restless, stressed, and the reasons are not lacking: the children are sick, the boss at work is unbearable, you have financial problems, his parents intrude on your life ... When problems accumulate, in his mind there is space only for them, and the desire becomes small and small, we must not be afraid, the desire is not dead, but only in hibernation, waiting for better times.

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The tiredness

He spent several sleepless nights to finish a file, works 92 hours a week, is the manager of a company and fears the economic situation ... He never stops, but the energy is not inexhaustible. work, he no longer has the slightest strength left for moments of passion. It is a pity, but it is logical. Either it is just a bad time that will pass (without desire or sex) and then he needs your support, or he prefers to work rather than take charge of family life ...

He has other passions

He is a high-level sportsman and is training for the marathon, or has a passion that takes away all his energy. Desire exists, but all his vigor is diverted and channeled towards his passion, whatever it is: fishing, football ... attention, the harmony of the couple can be affected. A pastime is positive, but if it diverts it from human relationships it becomes dangerous.

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