The low-calorie diet: pros and cons of the weight loss diet par excellence

The low-calorie diet is a weight loss diet that allows you to reach a healthy weight by decreasing the amount of calories ingested. How many calories? Calculating it is simple.

It is necessary to make the average of the calories consumed in two days (weekdays and holidays) - 500kcal. Losing 0.5-1kg per week is right, but if the weight is less than 0.5kg, you can remove another 250 kcal.

It is feasible to lose a few tens of grams per day: if the calorie requirement is 1800 calories a balanced diet will be 1200 calories, because 1800 x 2: 3 = 1200. Taking 600 calories less means, given an average of 13 g per 100 calories, a weight loss of 78 grams per day, therefore about 2.4 kg per month without making too many sacrifices, only by reducing the calorie intake.

Low calorie diet: what to eat?

See also

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800 calorie diet: the low calorie diet without carbohydrates for those who want to lose

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The menu recommended by this weight loss diet is quite variable and responds to the caloric needs of each individual, man or woman.

Carbohydrates - pasta, potatoes or bread that they are - should not be eliminated and are indeed important to help give a sense of satiety, as long as they are not too seasoned.

It is very important to always consume breakfast and divide meals, eat lots of vegetables (3 portions a day) and fruit (paying attention to sugars).

Use the condiments sparingly: extra virgin olive oil, a little salt (a spoon is the unit of measurement for oils and sauces). To color and flavor your food, you prefer spices, lemon or fresh tomato sauce.

The low-calorie diet menu

In a low-calorie diet, for breakfast, which is the most important meal of the day, it is generally preferable to eat a yogurt or skimmed milk, accompanied by rusks or wholemeal bread.
It is preferable to use a sweetener instead of sugar, which contains more calories than the first.

An ideal mid-morning snack can be fruit or freshly squeezed fruit juice.

Lunch can consist of a plate of pasta or rice, or a second course, for example a slice of chicken breast with a slice of wholemeal bread.

Dinner should be a light meal, so it is preferable to eat meat or fish with a side of vegetables.

On Sundays you can treat yourself to a day of freedom and eat what you prefer.

Example of a daily menu of 1200 kcal

Breakfast: low-fat yogurt with almonds and raisins.

Snack: orange juice.

Lunch: 120 g of meat carpaccio with rocket seasoned with a tablespoon of oil, with a side dish of 200 g of grilled aubergines and 30 g of bread.

Dinner: 60 g of pasta with tomato and basil, followed by 200 g of green beans dressed with a teaspoon of oil and 30 g of wholemeal bread.

Low calorie diet: tips and precautions

You should never follow a diet with less than 1200 calories per day unless supported by a doctor. In addition to the calorie count, the dietician takes into account the correct sequence of food intake in order to achieve a correct metabolism.

Decreasing calories ingested could cause fatigue, lack of energy, or cause nutritional deficiencies and muscle loss. It is therefore advisable to undertake this diet under the supervision of a specialist.

The low-calorie diet must be accompanied by a "physical activity practiced consistently. If you do not have time to go to the gym or sign up for a course, try these simple exercises to be performed directly at home:

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