Have you betrayed him? 5 ways to hide your infidelity from him

We are always very attentive to our man, because we do not trust enough and because the betrayal is part of the list of "reasons why I will never forgive you". Yet, despite so much harshness for the behavior of the partner, in our mind our escapade would not be so serious.
A distraction is good every now and then, a wave of new attention, the evening only for women, an extra drink and that's it: the trouble is beautiful and done. Obviously, the reasons for cheating can be many: perhaps a decrease in desire in the couple, or the desire to escape from the relationship without having the courage to admit it. The fact remains that no, we don't want to be heartbreaking liars. But how to avoid being discovered by the love of our life? Here are 5 ways to protect yourself from reality, and to protect him! Be careful though, betraying causes addiction, see why:

1. Clean up your cell phone

No messages, photos, whatapp. And not only about the other to you. But also all those that contain her name. No audio to your friends, sms with her code name. Every track must always be deleted, every time. Even the list of phone calls. You absolutely don't have to have his number memorized with his real name. Call it a woman's name, who will be your new work colleague: don't leave anything to chance on your cell phone.

See also

Why did I betray him? The most common causes of female betrayal

How to break up with a guy: 8 ways to avoid!

Valentine's Day: 5 original surprises for him!

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2. Pay attention to your social networks

He doesn't have to "like" you. He doesn't have to comment on your stories. It doesn't have to exist on your social networks. Because? Even the most distracted boyfriend may happen to see something odd, and curiosity is unwanted when you are guilty of treason. Finally: don't you want that, while you are watching a funny video on your smartphone, a nice notification with a request for fellatio destroys your relationship in the time of a nanosecond?

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3. Update your best friend

The BFF needs to be updated on your (catastrophic) relationship situation. Primarily she has to accuse you and point out that your relationship is in a serious crisis and you should come to terms with yourself (if she doesn't, she's not a good friend). Then she'll have your back whenever you need her (if she doesn't, she's not a good friend).

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4. Join the gym

When excuses aren't enough, the alibi takes over. And you really have to go to the gym, half an hour after meeting your lover, to go for a run. Because? Because you have to go home sweaty with your sweat, not that of the perfect 69 you did in the car. Then you have to get the smell of sex off your back: all love songs talk about it, obviously it exists.
Ah, look out, there is also the after orgasm face, and your boyfriend is supposed to know it. If not, it will be clear why you cheated on him (kidding, of course).

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5. Don't alter your behaviors

If you start cooking his favorite pacts, giving him gifts, surprises and too much pampering ... he will get suspicious. This cure for your guilt is not productive for the couple. Remain indifferent to your betrayal, at least when interacting with him. Analyze your behavior with a friend, understand what pushed you to cheat, blame your superficiality and in the end if he is the man of your life put a stone on it. If it's not worth it, let it go. But don't betray him anymore and ... don't make speeches like: "if you want, you are free at least once to betray me". We don't think you can say anything more pathetic.

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Here's something nice to show your boyfriend to revive the relationship before the crash, or to show your lover, the choice is yours ...

Tags:  Parenthood In Shape Beauty