Video / Does the dress make the monk? Apparently yes. Share this video and fight indifference!

If you believe that either way people would stop to help, maybe you are wrong. Because basically, the discrimination given by the clothes we wear is more rooted than what you think. This is exactly what NorniTUBE, a French YouTuber, wanted to analyze with this experiment. Watch the video, what you will see will leave you speechless.

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The title of the video is "The" importance of appearances "and focuses the spotlight on the differences in the reaction of passers-by when a fake homeless (NorniTUBE in fact) feels bad, collapses to the ground and asks for help, compared to those of a man dressed in all point to which the same thing happens. The situation is identical, but the behavior of the passers-by is diametrically opposite. If on the one hand the homeless person remains on the ground without anyone approaching him to help him, the "businessman" is helped almost immediately.
Between one scenario and the next, NorniTUBE recalls an event in 2008, when, in a waiting room of a New York hospital, a woman felt ill and was ignored for 45 minutes. A tremendous indifference which, unfortunately, led to his death.

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Is this really the world we live in? Have we reached such a level of indifference that we don't help a person in time of need just based on the clothes he wears? What do you think? How would you have behaved in a similar situation?
NorniTUBE closes the video with a message: "Just because everyone is ignorant doesn't mean it's the right thing to do. It is in the small gestures and heroic acts that one can truly appreciate the true meaning of the word humanity'.

Share this video and help defeat this terrible indifference that is now rampant in every corner of the world.Rich, poor, women, men: does it really matter? After all, aren't we all human beings? Don't we all deserve to be helped in times of need, even in the smallest of ways?

Tags:  Beauty Kitchen Love-E-Psychology