The steps to better prepare yourself for the first romantic date

For weeks you have been studying a plan with your friends to get you invited out by that guy who, judging by all the times you said his name, seems to like a lot.
Have you faked your first date more than once, but now that it's about to come true, you don't know where to start? Don't panic: we will remind you of the 6 steps for an impeccable preparation.
Ready to see him take your breath away?

Before continuing, to ease the tension a little, we show you in the following video some funny stories that happened during some bizarre first dates.

1. Call your friends to take stock of the situation

Are you in total panic and not even your favorite song can make you relax a bit "? Unless you are a" meditation expert, there is only one thing to do: call your best friends; that is, the only ones who can. really understand what is going through your head!
A few minutes on the phone with them will be enough to remind you how long you have waited for this moment and how much it is worth keeping calm (and not screwing everything up).
You will review the wildcard topics together, ready to save you from those embarrassing silences that terrify you just thinking about it!
Where to find possible conversation points? Obviously, on his Facebook profile. And if the list of his interests were a little too long to consult ... your bffs are always there to help you!

See also

The first love: because it changes our life

2. Choose the right outfit carefully

Take the time to select your best items and try out all possible combinations. On this occasion you can't really risk getting the wrong look!
First of all, it evaluates the climate and location, then, be careful not to mix too many colors and patterns; to dress up as a Harlequin better wait for the Carnival!
And please, avoid those skinny jeans that could give way at the first bite or that disco mini dress that leaves very little to the imagination ...
The aim is certainly to look attractive, but if you want to look comfortable and confident, you don't need to wear clothes that don't belong to you. There may already be enough embarrassment ...

P.s. do not neglect the choice of accessories and shoes. You are allowed a dizzying heel only if you are a talent on stilts, otherwise ... better not fly too high, risking crashing!

3. Waxing alarm!

Are you convinced that your beloved vintage leather skirt will make you look great? Just as long as there are no orangutan legs under the skirt!
Unless you're dating the handsome Tarzan, it would be a good idea to fix yourself up; use a depilatory cream, the silk epil or resort to a nice general wax ...
Have you already thought of getting around the obstacle by wearing your brand new, and very trendy, cuissardes? . A sea of ​​glasses of excellent vin rouge, which could soon make you regret having been so little foresight ...

4. Take a long shower, without forgetting anything ...

Ok, it's the first date. But let's be honest: as much as you are forced to be shy with him, you know very well how much you like him and, after a few drinks to melt the ice, it is not so mathematical that you can resist him ... waxing) make sure you don't get caught unprepared!

After choosing your outfit, shaving and memorizing the songs of your favorite band, you really deserved some relaxation. It's time to take a long hot shower to relax, recharge and, above all, get out of there. clean and fragrant house!
Dwell on each area of ​​the body and use specific products for hair, skin and your private parts.
As you should already know, it is very important to take care of your intimate hygiene through a cleanser with a specific ph, to safeguard your health and to feel serene in any situation ...
Bring everything you need into the shower and you will arrive as perfect as you hope for (even under your clothes)!

R905871-R443701-CHILLY Intimate Cleanser GEL 200ml-IT-3D (300dpi RGB)

6. Organize your purse in the best possible way

Perhaps your friends have forgotten to suggest this "foresight" which, however, should not be underestimated.
If you also happen to find nothing when you are "a little bit" anxious, instead of despairing and seeming messed up because the keys have disappeared in your Poppin "s bag, prevent the problem! Organize the contents of your brand new it in a practical way! bag: in the inside pockets remember to place house keys, wallets, smartphones, tissues, mints, mirror and lipstick (for fast touch-ups), without forgetting the intimate wipes. With a bag like this it is very difficult to lose control of the situation!

5. Watch out for make up!

Let's be clear, it is forbidden to go out without make-up! If you never "waste" too much time wearing make-up or if you love soap and water beauty, you are allowed to opt for a light make-up, but which highlights your strengths; if, on the other hand, you have the dexterity of a make-up artist, be careful to choose a look that suits your outfit: more eccentric (but without exaggerating) if you wear simple clothes or more sober if you have already dared enough with clothing.
He takes care of every detail, including nail polish. The manicure is a symptom of "careful personal care and the touch of class that, on a similar occasion, cannot be missed!"

See also: Sexy make-up: all the ideas for a sensual and irresistible make-up!

© Getty Sexy make-up: all the ideas for a sensual and irresistible make-up!

If you've taken a few minutes to make sure he's already there when you get there, you can rush to your romantic date. We just have to wish you "good luck"!

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