Slow metabolism: the reason why we can't lose weight

To understand the reasons that leads to a slow metabolism, we must first make a premise. There are precious foods that should never be missing in a healthy and balanced diet: these are foods rich in nutrients that do not mean that they make you fat, but simply that they actively contribute to our well-being. Before you continue reading, find out which are the 10 foods you must never say no to!

Basal metabolic rate: what can slow it down and what can speed it up?

Causes of the slowdown: sedentary lifestyle, insomnia, physical and psychological stress, hypothyroidism, poor eating, with too many calories, but also fasting or an extremely restrictive diet. Metabolism acceleration factors: eat less and in a planned way, also choosing a healthier diet with a nutritionist and foods that affect metabolism, sufficient and constant physical activity, lead a regular life, without imbalances or excesses and possibly without stress . But, in reality, you can also be very overweight and have a normal metabolism. Very often, in fact, the question concerns not so much the physical as the psyche. Some people think they are eating healthy, but in reality they unknowingly overdo the quantity and are often very sedentary too.

On the contrary, there are those who can eat anything, even sweets, but do not exaggerate in quantity and what's more, they are very dynamic and therefore do not put on a kilo. It is useless for you to pay attention only to buying healthy foods; certainly are good for your health, but if they are caloric and if they are consumed in large quantities, the calories increase anyway and you do not lose weight. As far as metabolism is concerned, it can be catabolic (macromolecules from which small molecules are formed) or anabolic (micromolecules that create macromolecules). The first tends to make you lose weight, the second to make you fat. These are chemical reactions, changes in your organism. By dint of eating too much calories, your body accumulates excess fat. Even with increasing muscle mass, the metabolism does not accelerate, as it does not speed up in relation to the development of the muscles. It falls, however, if you adopt low-calorie diets. Sometimes you may believe that you have a slow metabolism, because you gain weight even by eating very little, but this can be due to eating poorly and leading a too sedentary life, without practicing any physical activity.You must be fully aware of how many calories you consume each day. in order to rationally control your nutrition and the health of your body. Protein is good for you, but you don't have to cut out carbohydrates, otherwise you risk lowering your metabolism more. After less than an hour of physical activity, your metabolism will be accelerated for a whole day.

And then there are some foods that are a real boost to your metabolism! Discover them!

See also

8 tricks to awaken your slow metabolism

Diet awakens metabolism: accelerates metabolic function

Gluten-free diet: is it useful for weight loss? See also: Foods That Boost Metabolism: All Foods That Help You Lose Weight!

© iStock Foods that speed up metabolism: all foods for weight loss!

Physical activity as the primary source of energy expenditure

For energy expenditure it is always necessary to do physical activity, exercise bike, running. In short, doing that movement that speeds up the metabolism. Exercise increases the consumption of calories even for many hours later, thanks to the expenditure of energy. Those who run consume more, but always if they do it consistently and frequently. Obviously, compared to a light walk, rather slow, the fast one burns more.
However, if you are too overweight, running could be very damaging to your joints; It is therefore preferable to start only by walking, even if, if you are a woman over 50 with a slow metabolism, the calories lost with a couple of kilometers at a normal pace, you can easily recover them with a nice first course.
In this case it is necessary to walk with greater intensity.
If you don't want to be fat you don't have to be a sedentary person and you don't have to get lazy for hours on a couch with zero motor activity. Even if you are on a diet, it is important if you really want to lose weight, to walk every day. Only in this way, by walking regularly and for a long time, will you be able to continue burning calories as well as improving the circulation of your legs and strengthening your muscles.
You have to walk for at least 2-3 km as you will certainly find written on the recipe of your dietician, your angiologist or your trusted internist. If you can walk at a fast pace it will be very important for your diet, as it will help you lose energy and burn fat, even if the walk only lasts an "hour. Try walking uphill: it's tiring, but beneficial, you are But be careful of your ankles and sprains if you go too fast, as you will gradually get used to the movement and walk without discomfort for longer and for a greater number of kilometers.

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Walking is not enough: beware of food!

Walking is good for your breath and helps you quit smoking.You can also get to 5-6 hours of exercise, gradually increasing distances and pace and you will become a stimulus for those who get fat, but remain seated to complain about it. Yes, walking is important to lose weight, but by itself it is not enough: if you want to climb every day without fear on your beloved / hated scale, you must first of all take care of your diet.
In fact, only a personalized and right diet for you will make you lose weight. Training fasting, now very fashionable, without even a very light breakfast, can only make your metabolism more elastic in variations, but it will not make you burn more fat. Everyone has their say on nutrition: there are those who say that carbohydrates must be eliminated, some fats, others proteins. A beautiful Mediterranean diet, well measured according to the advice of your dietician, will meet your expectations.

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Menopause and the risk of gaining weight!

In the period of menopause, estrogen decreases; decreasing their hormonal value increases fat mass and reduces lean mass. Both of these aspects lead to an increase in the waistline, linked to cardiovascular risk. During this time, it will be more difficult for you to lose weight and lose those extra pounds in two or three months. In fact, the fat in the abdomen prevents the cells from using glucose as energy and therefore remains in excess. The metabolism begins to decline from the age of 20 and up. At 50, exercise becomes not only useful, but essential, because it not only strengthens your muscles, but also improves insulin activity. Moreover, in menopause every woman sleeps less and not always peacefully. As a consequence. if you are a menopausal woman, you may have an increase in appetite and a decrease in satiety. This obviously could lead you to gain more weight with a slowdown in metabolism.

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You want to change your metabolism. How you do it?

With good will, first of all starting to change lifestyle slowly, forgetting sedentary habits, walking often on foot, leaving the car in the garage and going up and down the stairs on foot, without always taking the elevator.
In summary: a healthy diet, but low-calorie and not abundant; regular physical activity; foods that affect metabolism. In fact, there are also natural remedies and foods suitable for burning calories in order to help you lose weight. Natural supplements are coffee and tea, although not excessively effective, as, when the body gets used to it, the metabolism returns to normal levels. However, even without exaggerating the quantity, they have a certain effect on both "hunger" and fatigue caused by physical activity. Other suitable foods are fruit, ginger, brewer's yeast, cocoa, bitter orange and seaweed, but always consult a nutritionist who knows your body and its characteristics first.
Arm yourself with courage and start a new life and a brand new metabolism!

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