Moms in the car: the fitness car during pregnancy!

The Ford Puma becomes a gym for new mothers!
We at Mamme in Auto, in collaboration with Sporting di Milano 3 in Basiglio, just outside Milan, have thought about the well-being of pregnant women who find themselves, out of necessity, spending a lot of time driving their car.

Together with Lisa Marino, former aerobic gymnastics champion and fitness television face, we have thought of some stretching exercises that can relieve fatigue and relax the muscles, especially in the upper part of the body.

These are targeted and minimally invasive exercises aimed, in particular, at relieving tension in the neck and shoulder area, to be carried out in complete tranquility, even when driving your own car.

The first exercise uses the steering wheel as a fitness "tool": you can perform light torsions of the trunk with the consequent lengthening of the square of the loins, an area of ​​the body that is particularly stressed while driving.

The second exercise, on the other hand, is used to relax the cervical tract. Mothers can hold the left area of ​​the head with their right hand to recline the head. The exercise must be repeated, at least three times, on both sides. "A benefit is immediately perceived - explained Lisa Marino - in the trapezius area and in the cervical tract".

A series of exercises can also be carried out outside the cockpit. “I thought that the spine of future mothers, overloaded by the weight of the belly - continued Lisa - should be lightened. So why not? Using the open door of your car, with the window down, to hold on can be a good solution. This serves to stretch the back area. The position must be held for about thirty seconds ".

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Always next to the car, this time with the door closed (but keeping the window down), you can lean on it: legs apart, assuming a position of the torso reclined at ninety degrees. You can perform a series of pelvic twists, both to the right and to the left, keeping your back as straight as possible. This sequence is used to stretch the dorsal, lumbar and hip flexors.

All exercises must be performed with the car stationary and in complete safety.

See also

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How to entertain children in the car

Children in the car, in front: can it be done?

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Tags:  Fashion Marriage Parenthood