The s ***** face exists and that's why we women are criticized!

Those bad days happen when we have a "funereal expression whatever happens: we forget at home the" subscription of the means, the sugar is finished, we get a "frightening e-mail reminding us to deliver a document within 20 minutes. There are also perfect days in which, like it or not, we still have a "funereal expression." There are problems, more or less funny, that we are forced to face on a daily basis and some of us just can't get a sunny face, like these:

In America it's called "resting bi * ch face", RBF, and as far as nobody talks about it, it involves both men and women with the difference that women are much more criticized for this reason than their male counterparts. Women, according to the society in which we find ourselves, are required to smile more and appear happier, which instead men can avoid doing and can afford to show off their worst nasty face in any situation.

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Two researchers, Jason Rogers and Abbe Macbeth, conducted a study on this subject and with the support of Facereader, a program capable of reading, on people's faces, the six basic emotions: happiness, anger, sadness, fear, surprise. and disgust. To these the scholars had to add contempt, a fundamental ingredient to fully grasp the characteristics of RBF and have discovered that most of the time, the people in question maintain a "neutral expression, without showing the emotions mentioned above, but that, if we decomposed their facial expressions, inside it we would find a hint of contempt, according to the data extrapolated thanks to Facereader.

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Many stars have been labeled as RBF champions, including Pitch Perfect star Anna Kendrick, former Spice Girls Victoria Beckham, Queen Elizabeth II and Twilight star Kristen Stewart.
Among men, the name most typed in the press is that of Kanye West, husband of Kim Kardashian.
As often happens, women are penalized due to a component that involves males and females in equal measure.

Whether you have RBF or not ... we bet these puppies will be able to make you smile?

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