The 3rd week of a baby's life: everything you need to know

  1. · Mother's health
  2. · The development of the child
  3. · Our tips
  4. · Not to be forgotten

Mother's health

3 Week after birth

If you and your partner want to resume having sex before your period returns, you should still use a contraceptive. Better not risk it: take advantage of your hospital stay or postpartum gynecological visit to ask your doctor for advice and choose an appropriate method of contraception, since the choice is limited in this period.

See also

The 1st week of a baby's life: all there is to know

The 2nd week of a baby's life: all there is to know

The 6th week of a baby's life: all there is to know

- If you are not breastfeeding, you can take the pill as early as the 25th day after giving birth (before it is useless).
- If you are breastfeeding, estro-progestative pills can decrease milk production and pass into breast milk. They are therefore forbidden during the whole breastfeeding period.
- The micro-dosed progestative pill is recommended because it does not affect the baby's health or milk production. However, be careful not to forget to take it because, to be effective, this pill must be taken every day at the same time or, at the latest, within the next two hours.
- Copper or progesterone IUDs are also compatible. But they should preferably be placed a few weeks after delivery, as soon as the uterus has regained its initial volume.
- Finally, local contraception always remains. Spermicides (gels, sponges, pessaries) and male and female condoms are particularly suitable for this period.

The development of the child

By the end of this week, your baby should have regained his birth weight. Up to four months, his weight increases by approximately 150-210 grams per week. You can weigh it once a week, it is useless to do it every day!

His main occupations: sleeping and observing
Your baby still sleeps 18 to 20 hours a day, but during the moments when he is awake he loves to observe everything around him, even if he still sees everything out of focus. What he sees best are the geometric shapes and lines.
He likes to be close to you: you can lie down next to him and talk to him! While he is awake, play some quiet music.
When to go to the doctor?

If you breastfeed your baby, it is rare for him to get sick, thanks to the affection of the antibodies present in your milk. However, if the baby has the following symptoms, do not hesitate to consult the doctor: vomiting, fever that exceeds 37.8 ° C, pallor, diarrhea, unmotivated and strange crying.

Good to know
- The color of his eyes is still indefinable. The iris will gradually color.
- If you have noisy breathing, wash your nose often with physiological water and raise your head slightly when sleeping.

Our advice

Take your baby for a walk

Your baby is almost a month old, it's time to start taking him for a walk! For you, however, the time has come to learn how to transport it. Here are some tips to do it right. There are four types of baby carriers: the backpack, not suitable for babies under six months, the baby carrier, the side carrier and the sling.

The pouch
In the carrier, the baby finds himself in the fetal position, which is why it is the best solution for his first contact with the outside. It is ideal for the first weeks. Care must be taken that the head is well maintained and that the baby is resting well against you.

This type of baby carrier can be used from birth until the baby weighs around 10 kg. The child is supported at the level of the spine, the nape of the neck and the head.

During the first few weeks, it is best to position the newborn with their face facing you. Later, however, when he is able to keep his head alone, you can arrange it with his face outwards, so that the little one can discover and observe the world.

The attachment system with wide cross straps on the back and adjustable height, ensures an "excellent distribution of the weight on your back. The width of the harnesses also allows the father to use it." During the first few weeks, you have to be very careful: the baby does not yet hold his head by himself, so you have to adjust the carrier so that his head does not swing.

The band
The sling is a long, wide piece of fabric that allows you to carry your baby. It is an ancient and ancestral method of carrying babies around. There are many ways to tie the sash, depending on the age and customs of the various countries. If you buy a sash on a specialized website, you will surely also find explanations for its use.

This method of carrying your baby is the most natural and flexible, because it adapts to the age of the baby, which can be worn on the stomach, hips or back. However, unlike other baby carriers, the sling does not comply with the requirements. safety regulations in force. The level of safety depends on the skill of the user.

Not to be forgotten

Arranging to make an appointment with a postnatal nurse, she will visit you at home
Weigh the child (at home, at the local counseling center and or at the pharmacy)
Birth certificate to be sent to the employer
Send birth cards

To learn more read also: The first month of life of the newborn

See Also: Tiny Babies With A Lot Of Hair

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