The failed act

Illogical behavior

In psychoanalysis, the "failed act indicates" a socially unsuitable conduct that fulfills an unconscious desire. "One intends to do something but ends up doing the opposite, acting inconsistently. Example: losing your car keys just when you have to go to work, forgetting to answer an important email, leaving your wallet at the restaurant… Here are some mistakes that, in general, irritate and annoy us. In reality, the "failed act is the transposition, on our behaviors, of the slip (which concerns language - one word is said instead of another).

How to interpret it?

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The concept of failure was developed by Freud in 1901, in his work Psychopathology of everyday life. Contrary to what one might believe, the failed acts are not the result of chance, fatigue or inattention, but the involuntary revelation of what the subject cannot consciously express: an intention, an impulse, a repressed desire. failure to act expresses an internal conflict Example: leaving the wallet on the table in a restaurant because you wanted to stay, forgetting an important appointment because, after all, it was feared.

Do you have to worry?

Committing misconduct is absolutely normal. We all do it, under any circumstances. These episodes never reveal a psychological disorder. On the other hand, if they accumulate over a short period of time, we should ask ourselves why. What do they mean? What do they reveal about our unconscious desires? In this case, we must not hesitate to reflect on these trivial behavioral errors, to shed light on our deep feelings and desires.

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