Italians the most obsessed with physical fitness

These days Kellog presented the results of an international study on the relationship between women and fitness and in particular on how much time they spend talking and discussing diets and fitness, the so-called "Fat talks". The data speak for themselves: Italian women are the most critical, but also the most virtuous in Europe in managing their physical form. 69% criticized it, 90% put into practice initiatives to get back in shape and 58% said they were satisfied with the results achieved through physical activity and diet.

Physical fitness is therefore a central and often thorny topic for most women: four out of five Italians speak about it, 61% of them do it together with their friends, the remaining 59% in conversations with their partners. Curious to note that 72% of the latter declare that they talk more about this than about the problems related to their children!

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But the growing and transversal diffusion of social media also affects "Fat talks": one in two women agree that people hide behind the veil of social media to attack the appearance of others, and finally 58% believe that the media should give less space to such "chatter".

To banish once and for all critical conversations about fitness and weight and to find positivity in everyday life, Special K commissioned Miriam Akhatar - positivity coach manager of the Center for Applied Positive Psychology - a plan with ten tips for feel good and be happy, freeing our mind from all forms of negativity. The Special K positivity plan is available here:

Tags:  Actuality Old-Test - Psyche Fashion