Phrases of the Baci Perugina: the sweetest to dedicate at any time

Small and rounded, with an irregular shape due to the protrusion due to the grain of hazelnuts, the Baci Perugina are universally known as the chocolates of love, given above all on special occasions such as Valentine's Day. affection you feel for your beloved or your beloved, but in those moments the desire to share special phrases is greater.
These children replied, outspoken, what "love is for them": watch the short video and smile at their sweet spontaneity!

How Baci Perugina are born: a pinch of history

Baci Perugina was born as an experiment and we are sure you didn't know it. The confectionery company Perugina was born in Perugia in 1907 and the idea of ​​the kiss dates back to a little later, in 1922, with the attempt to contain production costs. In fact, Luisa Spagnoli noticed that there would be excessive waste, and therefore tried to optimize the material: in this way he added the chopped hazelnuts to the gianduia dough which would otherwise have been wasted.

The result was a chocolate with a particular shape, initially called "punch", given the resemblance to the knuckle of a hand. Buitoni, as he did not consider (with good reason!) a good idea to offer chocolates with this name.

See also

Sweet good morning phrases: the most beautiful to dedicate to start the day in the best possible way

Dreaming of eating sweets - meanings and interpretations

Goodnight phrases: quotes and thoughts to dedicate to those you love

Buitoni thus proposed the name of "Bacio Perugina", achieving almost immediate success. A few years later, in fact, Perugina had already distributed one hundred million Baci, whose wave has not stopped today!

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The packaging and the famous phrases of the Baci Perugina

According to the legend - which, as usual, always has a pinch of truth inside -, the idea of ​​the famous phrases in the Kisses derives from Luisa Spagnoli's habit of sending short messages of love to her lover, Giovanni Buitoni , wrapping the slips of paper he had written on around the chocolates he was going to hand over to check them out.

The packaging of the Baci is the work of the advertising graphic designer Federico Seneca, a great lover of art, who decides to rework the famous painting by Francesco Hayez, The kiss. In 1922, therefore, he creates the typical blue box interspersed with points of stars, with the lover of two lovers kissing. Also by Seneca, it is also the idea of ​​maintaining the habit of cards in every chocolate, with the love phrases by famous authors. It goes without saying: these cartouches have become a collector's item.

In 1963, the Baci Perugina cards have a space in a quote from the film Half past eight by Federico Fellini, with the joke of the "actor Jean Rougeul that reads:" If instead of throwing them away, you would sometimes read the cards of the chocolates, you would avoid many illusions ".

The phrases of Baci Perugina for all lovers

As we have said, the chocolates and sweet messages of love of the Baci Perugina are generally combined with the month of February, especially on the occasion of Valentine's Day, the feast of lovers par excellence. This is certainly not the only time when two lovers they exchange romantic love phrases, and this is why Baci Perugina are on the market all year round.
These are some of the most beautiful love phrases in the very good - and very sweet in every sense - chocolates!

Absence is to love what wind is to fire; turns off the small one, feeds the large one.

Absence attenuates mediocre passions and increases great ones.
F. de La Rochefoucauld

To whom we love the less we know.
English proverb

To love means to act and exalt yourself without respite.
Emile Verhaeren

Throw your heart in front of you, and run to reach it.
Arabic proverb

The soul of pleasure is in the pursuit of pleasure itself.
Blaise Pascal

We leave her secrets to love, and her mysteries to woman.
J. Autran

The quarrels would not last long if the wrong were only on one side.
F. de La Rochefoucauld

Their lips were four roses on a stem, and in the summer of their beauty they kissed.
William Shakespeare

The expectation of pleasure is itself pleasure.
G. E. Lessing

The man loves little and often, the woman much and rarely.

Love, love, what a bondage to love.
La Fontaine

Soul, Kiss, Heart: the ABC of love.

Whoever you love ... believes in the impossible.
E. Barret Browning

Love, impossible to define!
Giacomo Casanova

Kisses easily had are easily forgotten.
English proverb

What becomes a joke on everyone's lips we feel more sacred, the two of us, in our hearts.

Man begins with loving love and ends with loving a woman.

How sweet is love when it is sincere on both sides, it is a white heron on the snow: the eye does not separate it.
Japanese anonymous

Those who live of love live forever.
E. Verhaeren

The phrases of the Baci Perugina to dedicate to the person you love

When you are in front of the person you love, your hands will sweat and your mouth will dry, preventing you from formulating a meaningful sentence. In the luckiest cases and especially with the passage of time, you are able to express your emotions better, but always with difficulty, because finding the words with the right intensity is always difficult. That's why these kisses love phrases are for you, especially if they are topped with a lot of sweet chocolate!

My love, let's not think about tomorrow and let's take this moment of life together.

Roses are red, violets are blue, sweet is sugar, but not as sweet as you are.
Song of the blacks of America

Let us enrich ourselves with our mutual differences.
Paul Valéry

Love is not looking at each other; is to look together in the same direction.
A. de Saint-Exupery

The intellect is always sacked by the heart.
F. de La Rochefoucauld

The lover is an individual whose speech bores everyone except the beloved.
N. Plume

Ecstasy was on your lips / nectar of the gods was your gift / all in a girl's kiss.
David Foster Wallace

Love, lovable madness ...

Love looks not with the eyes but with the soul.
William Shakespeare

Kisses as hot as the sun, kisses as deep as the night.

Sweet mouth, if you talk or keep quiet you are all loves, you are all thanks and always affable, always lively.

Those who love do not fear the storm, they only fear that love will go out.

As we feel, so we want to be heard.
H. von Hofmannsthal

Kiss your woman's eyes if they are veiled with tears.

Well you are doing, Love, to celebrate your solemn feast in the virginal February.
Patmore, Valentine's Day

Kiss: love, fidelity, friendship, affection, adoration, sweetness.

As at the bottom of the sea, there are sirens at the bottom of the pupils.

As I saw you I fell in love. And you smile because you know it.
A. Boito

A smile is almost always caused by another smile.

With you conversing, I forget all times and seasons and their changes: I like them all the same.

Where the eyes go willingly, the heart goes too, nor does the foot slow to follow them.
Carlo Dossi

Give me one of your most loving. I'll make you four hotter than embers.
L. Labè

Give me a thousand kisses and then a hundred and then another thousand and another hundred and then again a thousand and one hundred more.

And he looked into her eyes shining with light, and kissed her sweet lips. Do you think he was not right?

Of "friendship at first sight, as of" love at first sight, it must be said that it is the only true one.
H. Melville

Sweet, red, gorgeous kissing mouth.
A. C. Swindburne

Woman, the hour is waning. Give me your purple mouth for me to kiss it.
W. von der Vogelweide

It is sweet what you say to me, but sweeter is the kiss I stole from your mouth.
H. Heine

And there he closed her eyes / wild and passionate / with four kisses.
John Keats

The phrases of the Baci Perugina of the great authors

The phrases that surround the delicious chocolate are very often those of the most illustrious pens of the centuries. From great writers to philosophers, from holy thinkers to politicians who love letters: for every kiss, a splendid sentence by an author, more or less famous and illustrious, to dedicate to those you love most!

A kiss is a pink apostrophe between the words "t" I love.
Edmond Rostand

What is pleasure but extraordinarily sweet pain?
Heinrich Heine

Lovers' quarrels renew love.

Love and cough cannot be hidden.

To love is to rejoice, while we believe we rejoice only if we are loved.

Then I was taken, and then I was not sorry; so sweet light comes from his eyes.
Francesco Petrarca

Love and do what you want.
Sant "Agostino

To love is to put our happiness in the happiness of another.

Love is a credulous creature.

Breaking up: that's all we know about heaven, and all we need about hell.
Emily Dickinson

In the hearts of women, it is clear to us that the disinterested examiner.
Edmondo De Amicis

There is no worse desert than a life without friends: friendship multiplies goods and shares evils!
Baltasar Gracián

Only since I love, life is beautiful. Only since I love do I know I live.
Theodor Korner

We want to enjoy love: we cannot live without him.
Emanuel Schikaneder

I want if I can hate you and if I can't love you forever.
Publius Ovid Naso

Pleasure is a sin, but sin is a pleasure.
Lord Byron

Provide appropriate opportunities for women and women will be able to do it all.
Oscar Wilde

By unlearning to love others, we end up not loving ourselves anymore.
Friedrich Nietzsche

Love gives nothing but itself, and takes nothing but from itself.
Khalil Gibran

In love whoever burns does not dare and whoever darts does not burn.
Niccolò Tommaseo

Love does not like to be chased but waited for.

The phrases of the poets' Baci Perugina

As is well known, it is up to the poets to say the impossible. Among this, of course, try to explain what love is and dedicate it in the most romantic, sweet and, indeed, poetic way possible to the lover. some poets are among the most frequent in the cartouches of the Baci Perugina!

Love, love, everything else is nothing.
La Fontaine

Love always repairs to the gentle heart ...
Guido Guinizzelli

Sweet Elena, make me eternal with a kiss; his lips suck my soul: see where it flies.

What a woman says to a lover write in the wind, or in the water that goes swiftly.

Love! Here is a volume in a word, an ocean in a tear, a whirlwind in a sigh, a millennium in a second.

Friendships are unexplainable and you don't have to explain them if you don't want to kill them.
M. Jacob

Loving is half of believing.
Victor Hugo

Passions are defects or virtues, only if taken to the extreme.

Love, fire once drew me with one long kiss all the soul from between the lips, as the sun drinks the dew.

Loving yourself is the beginning of an idyll that lasts a lifetime.
Oscar Wilde

Kiss me a hundred and a thousand times an hour and more, if you still can kiss me: let your kisses match the stars, and their number doubles each time.
Giustiniani bear

Let's kiss, my Aminta, I kiss, if you kiss: kiss that I kiss too.
Cavalier Marino

Whoever lives as a lover, you know that he is delirious, often complains, always sighs, nor does he speak of anything other than dying.

Whoever runs away now will soon chase, whoever does not accept gifts will offer them, and if he does not love, he will soon love anyway.

What a damn crazy thing love is.
E. Schikaneder

Hide me in you, where sweeter things are hidden, among the roots of roses and spices.

Toast me with just your eyes ... or just leave a kiss in the cup, and I won't ask for wine.
B. Jonson

That love is everything, that's all we know about love.
Emily Dickinson

What is your kiss? A lapping of flame ...
Victor Hugo

Kiss. Primrose in the garden of caresses.
Paul Verlaine

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