Porn movies

What is a porn movie?

These are productions that feature explicit sex scenes, in all forms. They can have various actors as protagonists, among which it is worth mentioning the Italian Rocco Siffredi and the American Sasha Gray. There really is something for all tastes and sexual orientations. Unlike erotic films, the genitals and penetration are deliberately filmed, leaving very little room for imagination.

Why "porn"?

The word "pornography" comes from the Greek pornê, prostitute, e graphê, writing. They are also called red light films or films for adults and the posters of these films are obliged to indicate "prohibited for minors under 18".

See also

The best erotic movies ever: not porn, but intense passion

The Sexxxtons: family porn

A bit of history

We must not believe that pornographic films are recent: they have existed since the dawn of cinema. Since its invention, by the Lumière brothers, at the end of the nineteenth century, the cinema has known some risque and censored productions, which initially circulated under the counter. Later, some private and underground circles began showing porn films to an informed and confidential audience. In the 1970s, a period of sexual liberation and customs, porn films made their entrance in cinemas, subject to the prohibition of minors. Ten years later, the number of theaters showing this type of film began to decrease and the films began to be broadcast in special cinemas. With the advent of pay cable television, video tapes, DVDs and, finally, the Internet, these cinemas disappeared altogether in the 1990s. The spread and production of porn films began to change. By now the films adapt to the new supports and one remains in the intimacy of the living rooms and the computer screen, away from prying eyes.

What is wrong with porn movies

It has long been considered that in this type of films the image of the woman was degrading and that her desire and pleasure were not really taken into consideration. Faced with these criticisms, in 1997 a manifesto signed by some was created. film directors porrno. The "Puzzy Power" poster imposes certain rules: a credible script, respect for the woman's wishes, no violence, facial ejaculations or forced fellatio, such as those shown in the scenes of numerous red light films. today there is a market for porn films also aimed at women.

Women and pornography: video interview with Luciana Litizzetto

A "deformed image of sexuality

Numerous associations have denounced the danger of this type of cinema referring to some particularly violent scenes and to the possible consequences that they may have on the growth of young adults who could see these images: the risk of addiction, the fact that in these scenes the condom does not is used systematically, an "erroneous image of the woman and her desires.

Porn addiction turns pink

Did you know that?

In Italy, porn films can only be broadcast on television between midnight and four in the morning or on pay channels with an access code.

According to a study done in 2003, 68% of teenagers between 14 and 18 have already seen pornographic images in the last 12 months.

The Internet is now the main channel for the diffusion of pornography. The network offers a huge selection of films: from classics of the genre, to amateur films, passing through pirated videos of the private sexual performances of celebrities.
The words "sex" and "porn" are the most requested terms on search engines.

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