The 10 benefits of iron, the body's ally mineral salt

Are you very tired, have trouble sleeping, are you often exhausted and fatigued? These problems could be caused by a lack of iron in the body. It is an essential mineral for our body, excellent for the blood, for the brain and vital for health ... "iron". Doctors recommend that women take 14.8 mg of per day. If you don't, something in your diet needs to change, without forgetting to include these foods that are essential for our well-being in your diet.

You have to learn to eat well by integrating a good dose of iron a day. To do this, it is recommended to consume spinach, eggs, red meat, oysters, mussels, sardines, almonds or beans, among others. With these foods you will increase the iron levels in your body and avoid suffering from anemia, headaches, fatigue, lack of sleep, pale complexion or brittle hair and nails. In addition, here are ten essential benefits of taking iron correctly, the mineral salt that makes us feel good!

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1. Helps the formation of hemoglobin

We all lose a lot of iron in our daily life, especially through blood. Women lose iron during menstruation, men even when they make a small cut while shaving. Therefore, we must make sure that we take the necessary amount for our body. The main function of this mineral is to help in the formation of hemoglobin, which is the molecular mass that carries oxygen from the respiratory organs to the tissues, something absolutely vital for our body.

2. Keeps muscles strong

Iron is the main nutrient of our muscles, which depend on this mineral salt to be strong and healthy and to prevent them from becoming weak and gradually deteriorating. Iron also helps the oxygen supply that muscles need during work and exercise, so it is essential for people who train intensely.

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3. Prevents cognitive impairment

Iron is linked to the well-being of our brain, as it helps supply oxygen to this organ that is so important for life. Getting enough iron can stimulate brain activity and prevent cognitive impairments, so it is crucial for our mental health.

4. Increase your energy

We know that on many occasions you get to be very tired and weak even in the morning, when perhaps you have just set foot in the office. Not to mention the tiredness after eating. However, increasing your energy doesn't mean drinking a reckless amount of coffee. What you should probably do is eat iron-rich foods. Without it, your body will work much harder. So go for an iron-rich diet to combat fatigue and boost your energy. For example, try choosing almonds as a snack!

5. Stronger immune system

If you catch the flu and get sick too often, your immune system can be quite weak, which means your body's iron levels may be too low. Iron plays a key role in our immune system, helping the body to fight diseases and infections.

Beware of this issue and make sure you are getting the amount of iron you need. A visit to the doctor or a simple blood test will let you know if it is this deficiency. Then, if you need to take iron, you can do it right away in the morning, trying to drink a natural orange juice with a spinach omelette or yogurt with almonds. It will be a great way to start the day with the right boost!

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6. Healthier hair, skin and nails

We are sure you have heard about the benefits of keratin as a beauty treatment for our body. For the formation of this protein, we need iron. If your levels of this mineral are low, this will affect your hair, skin and nails. The result? Dry hair, dull skin and brittle nails. To strengthen them, just increase the daily dose of iron and after a few weeks you will immediately see the first improvements.

7. Essential for pregnant women

Pregnant women often have iron deficiencies in their bodies because they lose a lot of iron in the baby's growth and development during gestation. In the last six weeks of pregnancy, the baby builds its own iron "store", so the loss triples. It is recommended to follow a diet rich in this mineral and also to take a vitamin complex, always recommended by the doctor, so that no problems occur before, during and after childbirth.

8. Ally for the mood

As we have already seen, iron is ideal for preventing and fighting fatigue and that sense of fatigue that assails us during the day. In addition, this mineral salt promotes good mood and helps a lot in cases of depression. we find iron in most of the so-called "good mood" foods, such as dark chocolate, oats and eggs.

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9. Helps sleep

Having trouble sleeping? Getting the right hours of sleep is vital for our rest and for our health in general. If you suffer from insomnia, what you should do to cure this problem is to check that you are getting the amount of iron your body needs.

10. Counteracts the premenstrual syndrome

Blood loss during menstruation leaves women more at risk of anemia, so we need more iron than men. These problems increase if you suffer from PMS, with headaches, cramps, irritability and depression. Foods rich in iron can really help relieve them.

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For more information on iron and its properties, consult the Humanitas website.

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