Don't like yourself in selfies? Here comes the Facebook-lift
Selfies have not only changed the way of life and the network and the social world, but also the perception we have of ourselves. In order to improve our appearance on the web, the latest craze in the field of cosmetic surgery comes from overseas: the Facebook-lift.
The cameras of phones and computers have no mercy for the small defects that characterize the face of each person and for this reason targeted retouching is used to improve one's appearance even on the web.
What is worrying is that more and more people under 30 require small targeted adjustments to eliminate all those signs that do not make them perfect in the selfies that circulate on the net. Laser, radio frequency, fillers and botulinum are the treatments increasingly requested to try to mitigate the signs of aging and fatigue.
There is no shortage of patients who instead ask for decidedly more invasive interventions such as blepharoplasty to improve the eye area or a face lift.
See also
Biorevitalization: the face lift without a scalpel that changes the rules of me Perfect selfie: 7 rules for taking a photo like the stars Lash lamination: your eyes will shine!