Reach your goal! How to be slimmer - without going on a diet!

Raise your hand if you have never wanted to be slimmer without going on a diet. Nobody? Here, as we thought: being slimmer is the dream of all women and all sizes!

By now we are bombarded daily by the proposal of a multitude of exhausting diets which, in reality, worsen the situation from many points of view: first of all, they are very often harmful to our well-being, because they deprive us of the foods we need; secondly, they lead us to undergo the "yo-yo effect, or a loss of kilos, even important, in the short term, followed by an equally rapid repurchase of the same. This happens because, very often, these diets aim at a" shock action with immediate results, with a "shock" effect, sensationalist, and do not take into account the real needs of our body.

To be leaner, therefore, another type of intervention is necessary, more reasoned and less "explosive", a combination of movement and nutrition education, which will allow us to lose weight in a targeted and more conscious way, for a long-term result. healthy, from all points of view.

Is it possible, however, to achieve results without actually going on a diet? The answer is absolutely yes - here's how!

A better "way of life"

See also

Ketogenic diet: what it is, example of allowed menus and foods

The rice diet works! How to lose weight fast in 9 days

Sirt diet: how it works and what are the foods of the lean gene diet Loading ...


Commonly, we are used to conceiving the term "diet" as, in fact, a "shock action" to be taken to quickly lose excess pounds. In reality, the meaning of the term itself is much broader: the true meaning of diet is oriented more towards a very specific "way of life" concerning nutrition. This is one of the key concepts of losing weight in a healthy way - balancing the way you eat is fundamental, taking into account the nutritional needs that our body has, without depriving yourself or giving up anything, as happens with many diets that "go out of their way. fashion "but which, in reality, as we have already seen, are more harmful than anything else. A real process of food education, therefore, during which it is necessary to recognize the fundamental principles to be applied constantly (and not only for short periods) to our diet.

The psychological aspect is also important: forcing ourselves to give up certain foods can be frustrating and limiting, even depressing - constant deprivation can affect our mood and push us to give up our good intentions very quickly.

Understanding, on the other hand, that all foods can be eaten, as long as you do this with criteria and awareness, is a turning point for a more soft and healthy for weight loss (as opposed to a state of monotony, sadness and deprivation): it is therefore no longer relevant to ask what "I can" eat - better to ask "how much" and "when".
Carbohydrates, for example, are among the elements most commonly "demonized" by traditional diets but, in reality, they are an absolutely fundamental component of a balanced diet, because they give us energy and energy. The important thing is to know when it is the right time to take them so that they are used for functional purposes by our body, and not as a terrible useless accumulation in the form of rolls! Obviously these considerations are relevant to all foods: quantity and the right time are a formula to keep in mind for a correct lifestyle.

Slim your body ... and your mind too!

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Did you know that stress makes you fat? It sounds like a joke, but it really is!
First, when we are stressed, we tend to seek comfort in food and, therefore, to overeat and gain weight. Secondly, stress contributes to raising the cortisol values ​​in our body which, consequently, can lead to imbalances in blood sugar levels: like a chain, this eventually leads to the storage of fat in critical points such as the belly, hips, thighs. In short, a tragedy!

As with nutrition, mental balance is also important. Find ways to relieve stress with meditation, yoga or an activity that you think is fun and that you are passionate about. To have a slim body, the brain must also be "slimmed down" and this will also help you find the motivation to you need to pursue your important goal.

Exercising also contributes to the production of endorphins as well as, notoriously, to do very well to the body: a further, important ally for your psycho-physical well-being and to reach your goal!

Get a sound sleep!

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Again, our advice will seem counterproductive: lose weight while sleeping? "Maybe!", We would all say! Unfortunately, we cannot promise you that you will lose weight by sleeping - that would be too good! - however, several studies have shown that there is a strong correlation between poor rest and weight gain in critical areas. Therefore, try not only to sleep the canonical eight hours recommended by the experts, but to guarantee you an excellent quality of sleep: a comfortable bed, a room that is as noisy as possible and, most important of all, leave your mobile phone in another. room, to prevent Facebook push and like notifications from preventing you from sleeping!

Finally, try to keep your sleep rhythm constant by trying to go to bed and get up at roughly the same times every day, even on weekends. Trust us, you will thank us!

Yes but, between saying and doing ....

Reading this article, you might be thinking, "ok, we all know that eating well, exercising and being goal-focused make weight loss easier, the problem is real life!"

And in fact, we can only agree with you: we are all, some more, some less, aware of the fact that these are the right actions to take if you want to be leaner. Except that between work, family, stress and social life, sticking to a correct plan, to a healthy and balanced "way of life", seems really difficult. Quite right?

In part, yes, but the good news is that now you can count on help, and this help is called Figurella!

Figurella is the method that for over thirty years has guaranteed concrete localized weight loss, and has made thousands of women happy all over the world. There are 150 centers throughout Italy and to try the method just book the analysis of the figure and two free treatments on

The real revolution of the Figurella Method is that it allows you to really put all good intentions into practice without going overboard. But how does it work? The Figurella Method combines a personalized program of healthy eating (and not a boring and monotonous diet!) And movement, with the help of auxiliary equipment to maximize the result.

It gives you a structure, an outline to refer to, a complete program that brings together all your good intentions in a rational, effective and practical way. A complete vision of the actions to be taken for your well-being, a real new lifestyle.

Are you ready to change your life?

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