Science confirms it: there is "a favorite child"

A study conducted in the United States by sociologist and university professor Katherine Conger showed it: parents, especially mothers, have preferences. Conger has been analyzing the behavior of 384 families for 3 years now. What he discovered was that according to the order of birth, children are treated differently. After all, it must be admitted, even we children sometimes have a preference for the mother: look at this newborn who does not want to leave his mother alone!

Mothers, more prone to favoritism

See also

Never ask a woman why she doesn't have a child - that's a question she can ask

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Mothers seem to be more prone to inequality: in fact, 74% of them tend to favor favoritism, compared to 70% of fathers. A mother tends to prefer the child who most resembles her, or the one who appears to be the most promising.

The cadet sons most affected of the firstborn

This is the conclusion drawn by the American professor: the first-born are a bit manipulative and are perfectly aware of the attitudes held by their parents.

I was a bit surprised, we thought the exact opposite was happening considering that the cadet children find their way smoothed. But the firstborn have spent more time with mum and dad so it is obvious that they have more power over them ...

An inevitable favoritism

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This phenomenon could make you feel guilty but it absolutely doesn't have to: it is very likely that, once by one, each child thinks they are the favorite or vice versa. You just have to try not to let it show!

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