Chronobiology: the best time of day for each activity

Ever heard of chronobiology? It is a branch of biology that deals with studying the biorhythm, that is the rhythm of our body, helping us to find the right synchrony, to improve our health and performative capacity.

Each of us is different: there are those who at 6.30 in the morning are already out running and those who barely manage to fuel after an hour in the office; who would like to go to sleep at 10pm in the evening and who at one night feel particularly active and responsive ...

Being able to synchronize our clock on the Cicardian rhythm (ie the 24-hour rhythm that marks our days) can only offer us benefits. So let's find out together what are the best moments of the day for each activity according to chronobiology.

The early hours of the morning according to chronobiology

The morning has gold in its mouth, as they say. Chronobiology suggests using the early hours of the day (roughly between 6 and 8) to carry out a "not particularly demanding" physical activity, but which nevertheless allows muscle awakening and benefit from the cortisol spike. You can try yoga, some pilates exercises, or even just some stretching like the one we suggest:

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Chronobiology: when is it better to carry out intellectual activities?

Between 9 and 10 our body goes through a phase of glycemic peak that favors the ability to concentrate and problem solving: it is therefore the best time to carry out intellectual activities that require attention and decision-making skills. So, as soon as you arrive at the office, do not wait to go for it!

The best intellectual performances then, especially from the point of view of memory, are recorded in the time slot that goes from 15 to 17: in these hours, especially if you have managed to make a brain is particularly active and concentrated, to the best of its abilities. mnemonics.

When is it better to play sports according to chronobiology?

If a soft muscle awakening workout is suggested early in the morning, the best time slot to devote to more intense physical activity (from the pool to team sports) is from 5 to 7 pm: at this time there is a peak of adrenaline and a greater predisposition to muscular effort, as well as a more prompt and reactive response of the cardiovascular system.

The best time to go to the gym then? As soon as you get out of the office!

Creams and beauty treatments: the times recommended by chronobiology

It may seem paradoxical, but the moment of greatest cellular turnover and regeneration activity in our body is the night, while we sleep! In the time slot that goes from 11pm to 4am, our skin gives its best ": chronobiology therefore suggests applying nourishing and restructuring creams on body and hair before going to bed. You will see what results the next day!

For hydration, on the other hand, as well as for hair masks, the recommended time is in the morning, as soon as you wake up.

Finally, still speaking of hair, it would seem that the time slot that goes from 19 to 23 is the best to apply anti-hair loss serums.

Does chronobiology give any suggestions to help us lose weight?

That dinner should be the lightest meal of the day and that it would be better not to eat anything from 9pm onwards is well known and the basis of any self-respecting diet. Furthermore, chronobiology suggests that we have a light snack, possibly based on dried fruit, between 5 pm and 6 pm.

This little snack will help us to control hunger in the evening, also bringing significant nutritional benefits to the body.For inspiration, take a look at the foods we suggest, useful for speeding up your metabolism and losing weight faster:

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