6 things to do right away when you have a panic attack

Panic attacks can really knock you out. You look great and all of a sudden you feel overwhelmed with fear. Each reacts in their own way, there are those who need air, some physical contact and those who need to remember to take deep breaths. may be, panic attacks are absolutely not to be condemned and underestimated.You are fine as you are, but you must work hard to defeat them.

Being yourself is an important step forward and the path to take is long and necessary: ​​here are some things you can do immediately, so as to be calmer.

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1. Inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth

Imagine that the air you throw in is white, pure, good, and the air you throw out is black, bad, to be chased away. The latter is exactly the fear that comes out of you. In fact, panic attacks are the manifestation of some ghost that, like it or not, we carry within us. Our body makes us understand that something is not working and, to do so, it makes our heart a sprinter, clouds our sight, makes us float in a distant universe from ours.
It may be that you are able to control them, however, if they persist, do not take them lightly: contact a specialist.

2. Talk

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With whoever is next to you at that moment, with a passer-by, with a shopkeeper. Talking will get you in touch with the situation that really surrounds you. This is because things often happen that you don't like, you keep everything inside and it gets trapped there. Having this attitude, sadly, isn't a great place to start, especially if you're a naturally anxious person.
If your boyfriend shows up 40 minutes late and doesn't even have the foresight to warn, it's not you who are paranoid, he's the one who could apply the most. In general, say out loud what you don't like. Maybe it won't turn things upside down but, of course, you'll feel better.

3. Write, sing and draw

Seeing what is tormenting you outside yourself can be really helpful. Write how you feel, paint dreams and fear, sing to release tension. It will seem crazy, especially if you think about those hard times, but it is an effective way to take your mind elsewhere.

4. Know yourself and imagine what will happen next

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This is the motto written on the pediment of the temple of Apollo in Delphi and there is nothing more true in the world. The trick is in knowing what is about to happen because, as we know, we find comfort in things that are familiar to us. You know what will happen and you know that for a few minutes it will feel like the end of the world but you also know that, actually, it will not. Take your time and imagine. You will miss your breath, maybe your head will spin but, in no time at all, you will be yourself again. Maybe a bit wobbly version, but you'll be fine and it will be you.

5. "Stay with you"

There are people who rely on a mantra to be repeated in times of need, simple phrases to concentrate on and to repeat (almost) endlessly, until you and the situation seem to calm down. Others, on the other hand, feel better reciting an old learned poem. Find words worth holding on to and try to be your lifeline. Talking to someone is good but sadly, during a panic attack, we don't always have the good fortune not to be alone.

6. Play "if it were ..."

You understand by now, it is important to keep your mind busy during a panic attack.
"If it were" is a very simple game that parents often play in the car with their children and that, at the thirty-second "what is missing", they must necessarily invent something. Think of someone, of you, of a friend, of your mother, and imagine her in different guises. Who would she be if she were a singer, what would she be if she were a color, what would it taste like if it were a sweet ... it will help you overcome the worst!

Panic attacks are annoying and difficult to explain but don't let them define you: you are surrounded by people ready to help you, you just have to ask.
Try to relax and ... try to be happy. You deserve it!

Tags:  Old-Couple Old-Test - Psyche Parenthood