What to eat before playing sports: the 10 best foods

According to some experts, what we eat and the time of day we eat it has a great impact on our performance and on the energy we can have throughout our sporting activity.

This is why it is important to choose the right foods before engaging in sports, such as super protein foods, which you see in the following video.

If you need to spend an hour of more intense training, experts recommend that you pay attention to your reserves before starting. The best option in these cases is to include some products that contain protein, some fat and some carbohydrates.

If you snack a few minutes before starting your workout, your body will focus on digesting these foods and won't use them as training fuel. So, you should try to eat at least one hour before your workout.

Here are 10 foods that will give you the energy you need while exercising.

See also

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1. Refreshing vegetable juices

If you want to be full of energy, nutritionists advise you to bet everything on vegetables. A refreshing green vegetable juice before training is indeed a healthy injection of energy.

You can also mix vegetables with some fruit, such as half a banana, but be inspired by your favorite flavors to create an energizing and healthy mix.

2. The right carbohydrates

No, carbohydrates are not your enemy, it is clear that we are not talking about fried foods or saturated fat, of course. Remember that foods with "good fats" will give us the energy we need to get through any workout. Glucose is in fact the greatest source of energy. So before you train hard, choose from one of these options:

  • a banana
  • an Apple
  • fruit smoothie (about 300 ml).

3. Chia seeds

Chia seeds have many health benefits. According to some experts, they are rich in:

  • Omega-3 fatty acids,
  • Fiber,
  • proteins,
  • football.

They are also hydrophilic, absorbing water easily, keeping your hydration level high during your workout. Don't worry, you don't have to eat a handful of these seeds to see the benefits - just add some to one of your favorite juices.

4. The cabbage

Cabbage is another great food to eat before playing sports. This food is indeed an extraordinary source of nutrients. Plus, it's low in calories but packed with:

  • football,
  • vitamin A
  • vitamin K

These complements are necessary for:

  • promote good circulation,
  • improve our defenses,
  • make bones stronger.

Yes, we know, it is not a very easy food to eat, but try to mix it inside a vegetable juice and cook it in the oven. You might also be surprised by its pleasant taste ...

5. Foods against muscle cramps

Cramps are often a problem for those who exercise, but it is a problem that can be easily remedied by making it a habit to eat specific foods before exercising. Foods rich in electrolytes - calcium, potassium and magnesium - they can help prevent muscle cramps.Some examples of foods that contain these nutrients are:

  • whole grain bread,
  • Bananas,
  • sweet potatoes,
  • The Yogurt,
  • the seeds,
  • hazelnuts,
  • the walnuts,
  • wheat sprouts,
  • white beans.

Did you know that you can combine many of these products into a delicious Greek yogurt with wheat sprouts, a few pieces of banana and a few walnuts?

6. Avocado

If you are an avocado lover, you need no other excuse to add it to your diet.
It is rich in good fats, vitamin B and magnesium. Not only is it delicious for making guacamole, but it's also great to add to salads or to enjoy on slices of whole wheat bread alongside other healthy ingredients. Irresistible!

7. Natural, nutrient-rich snacks

As you know, industrial food is not the best way to ensure a healthy diet. Nothing better than natural products, rich in nutrients, to ensure the well-being of your body. Natural foods offer many benefits and are free of calories, chemicals or additives. One of the main indications of scientists on this is to eat natural foods, especially green leafy vegetables which are rich:

  • Vitamin A,
  • C vitamin,
  • iron
  • football.

But we must not forget the other types of vegetables as well - they will provide your body with an essential load of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and pure energy.

8. Green tea

If your metabolism is slow, try drinking green tea instead of coffee every morning. You will be amazed at the wonderful effects this special tea will have on your body. Numerous studies guarantee that four or five cups of green tea a day help the immune system and speed up the metabolism.

9. A mini appetizer

If cooking isn't your forte and you need more ideas for including all the nutrients in the meals you eat before your workout, here are some suggestions for energetic and healthy mini appetizers, perfect as a pre-workout:

  • Boiled egg and hummus,
  • A slice of wholemeal seed bread with a teaspoon of organic margarine,
  • A banana pureed with sunflower seeds,
  • 150ml Greek yogurt with two teaspoons of chia seeds and a cup of strawberries.

10. Cereal bars with grains or seeds

You leave work and barely have time to stop at home before hitting the gym. You can opt for low calorie bars that contain grains, fruit or seeds, without artificial additives.

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