What to do if the newborn does not eat

The organism of a newborn it is perfectly capable of self-regulation and if the baby does not eat it almost never depends on a real problem. In fact, infants who eat little are often just experiencing a phase of change (such as the transition from milk to baby food) that has upset their habits, prompting them to momentarily refuse food. In particular, the most delicate phases occur in the first days and in the first weeks of life, when sometimes the baby does not want to eat milk, and during weaning, when he gets acquainted with new flavors and textures. Certainly it cannot be excluded that the lack of appetite is linked to a physical discomfort, but cases are less frequent and due, for example, to colds, diarrhea or some food intolerance. very high levels and begin to wonder what to do if the baby does not eat. To answer this question you must first identify the cause, provided that there is a specific one, and then act accordingly, remembering that you should never force a child who does not he eats or eats apparently little, because only his body knows what the right amount of food is for his growth.

From 0 to 3 months: the baby who does not eat and the fear that he will not gain weight

In the first three months of life, the baby feeds, which is a pleasure, but there are times when our puppy may be a little inappetent, making parents apprehensive: for them a baby who doesn't eat is a baby who doesn't grow up enough. of weight, and this in theory is not good. In relation to the fear that the baby does not eat as much as it should, it must be borne in mind that the only thing that matters in the first few times is that you gain weight constantly, without experiencing decreases: in the first trimester a weight gain between 130 and 200 grams per week is generally considered adequate (with the due exceptions), even if after two months the weight growth becomes decidedly less regular.

A number of factors may contribute to causing the infant from 0 to 3 months to lose appetite. For example
adaptation to the new environmental situation, completely different from what he was used to in his mother's belly. Or the stress of any changes in schedules and habits (especially in the management of breastfeeding) or something that scared or disoriented him ( it doesn't take much, even an inappropriate ringing of the phone at high volume). In these cases there is nothing to worry about: we just have to wait for our child to regain possession of his beloved routine. The situation is different if the refusal to drink milk is due to some illness or pathology, but we will talk about this in more detail later.

See also: Baby nutrition, a guide to natural or artificial breastfeeding

See also

The growth of the newborn

How Much Should a Newborn Eat? Tips to stay calm

Baby bouncer: which one is the best?

Weaning: what to do if the baby does not want to eat the baby food

After 6 months, the weaning phase begins for the newborn, that is the moment in which he gradually abandons breastfeeding to begin to drink from the bottle and take the first meals. It is a natural passage in the growth of the child that of it usually happens without any particular “trauma.” However, it can happen that it is difficult to get used to the change and that in the early days it may even refuse to eat.
If the baby does not eat milk from the bottle, try initially to intersperse it with the breast, increasing the artificial feedings day by day. In this way it is easy for the baby not to notice the "replacement" and begin to perceive the nipple of the bottle as natural, and in the long run it prefers only that.
The speech is slightly different if the baby does not eat the baby food: in fact, here new flavors, new smells and new textures completely different from milk come into play, and it is normal for the baby to show a little distrust at first. months the baby does not want to eat the baby food, the most important thing is to keep calm: let's not forget, in fact, that until the year the milk remains the fundamental element of the baby's nutrition and the baby food are only complements. Important, but always complements. So do not worry: our baby will not die of hunger even if he struggles to accept baby food! That said, there are many ways to make him like the news: often, for example, babies do not want baby food because of flavor, and therefore you can try to make it sweeter by adding a particular ingredient or by varying the tastes more. Another good expedient is to make the child "interact" with the food, allowing him to touch it and to play with it a little: in the end he will waste half of it but he will also want to taste it. We also try to talk softly to our little one during the meal, or to tell him a rhyme, so that he relaxes and does not see the time of the meal as a stretch. And never get angry or even worse scream if the baby does not eat the pasta: the newborn perceives the nervousness of his mother and if he is not calm his desire to eat decreases even more.

> Buy a baby weaning book on Amazon

What to do if the baby does not eat because he is sick? Causes and remedies

We have repeatedly repeated that the "possible lack of appetite of a newborn should not cause particular alarmism, because it is often a natural phenomenon. However, it cannot be excluded that sometimes the refusal of food is caused by a physical discomfort that has unfortunately affected our puppy. In most cases these are routine illnesses (colds, flu, bronchitis, ear infections, gastroenteritis, allergies, possible food intolerances or vaccines and other stuff like that) which among the various effects have that of stopping the appetite of children, making mothers worry, and not a little. What to do if the baby does not eat because he is sick? Sick babies should never be forced to eat (even if they do not touch food in 24 hours), while it is good to encourage them to drink: in case of fever, respiratory infection or gastrointestinal disorder with diarrhea, it is better to give babies plenty of water to prevent dehydration. When they feel better they will be the ones to claim the food, compensating in a short time any weight loss caused by the disease. It goes without saying that if the lack of appetite lasts for several days it is always better to contact the pediatrician.

The newborn who does not want to eat: opinions and comments of the mothers of Alfemminile

As repeated several times, that of the newborn who does not want to eat is one of the most felt arguments by mothers. And also on the Alfemminile forum the many mothers who exchange views, opinions and comments on numerous topics every day, seek (and often find) useful information and testimonies on the health of their children. One mother, for example, wonders why her baby eats but does not gain weight, another asks about the correct nutrition of a 5-month-old baby, and another is worried because her baby is sick and not he eats. Conversely, there are also those who complain because their child eats too much. Questions that almost always find one or more satisfactory answers because our forum is a world made up of mothers always ready to listen and give the right advice.

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