Gender of the child: when is it known for sure?

The sex of the baby is one of the aspects of pregnancy, together with health of course, about which all future mothers continually question themselves. Will it be male or female? And then the second question: do I want to know in advance or not? Here we explain, in a very simple way, when the sex of the fetus is clarified with certainty, and how to find out.

Meanwhile, we suggest this video to discover the names with the most beautiful meaning to be inspired by your choice!

Gender of the child: when does a certain answer arrive?

The sex of the child is determined with almost absolute certainty in the early morphology, between the 15th and 16th week of pregnancy. To be sure of the sex of the unborn child, if you really want to know, you have to wait until the second trimester. cases in which already at the 14th week, if the position of the fetus was favorable to an observation, it was possible to establish the sex of the child.

See also

Your baby is one year old

The second month of the baby's life

Sex after childbirth: can it be done? We have the answer

© iStock Gender of the child: when is it known for sure?

And check out our name book too - you'll find lots of beautiful name ideas for your baby!

Ultrasound during pregnancy: the video that explains everything!

As you have seen, to find out the sex of the baby an ultrasound is needed, and often it is the second trimester one. But what are the ultrasound scans for, and when are they done? In this video, Dr. Alessia De Mita gives us all the answers to our questions!

Do you want to know the sex of the baby in advance?

The margin of error in knowing in advance the sex of the baby is small, but it is real. With the morphological ultrasound, in short, you could even be wrong. The third of the ultrasound scans during pregnancy will give you greater certainty. What you have to ask yourself is: do you want to know in advance the sex of the unborn child? Disadvantages? In the past it was not possible to establish this, and in any case many couples preferred the surprise, while today, with new and more advanced technologies such as transvaginal ultrasound and 3D ultrasound, it is impossible to resist, and almost nobody wants to have a surprise.

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The benefits of knowing sex early

  • If you are hoping to have a boy or a girl for various reasons, it may make you feel more comfortable knowing that sooner so that there are no disappointments on the day of birth and to prepare those around you.
  • Knowing the sex of the baby in advance allows you to see him as a person and makes it easier to choose a name.
  • You can start preparing a custom room and buy some clothes.

You can start thinking about creating a nice writing with her name in her bedroom with adhesive letters or organize a surprise baby shower using a piñata that, breaking apart, will reveal the sex of the unborn child!

  • Ignoring what nature has in store for us allows parents to give free rein to their imagination and experience pregnancy as a mystery.
  • In a world where pregnancies are increasingly followed medically, ignoring the sex of the baby can be a way to keep a part by surprise.

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