How to remove resin from clothes after a day outdoors

If you are a "lover of nature, you will surely have come across a resin stain. If you are a home-work type, you will probably never have found yourself in front of a resin stain but certainly you too have fought against stains. stubborn as those of coffee!

Nature is wonderful and often offers our eyes truly unique and unrepeatable spectacles. Gorgeous animals, but also fairytale landscapes, lush plants and trees so beautiful that we would really like to hug tightly. And so after a weekend in nature it happens to come home regenerated and super charged with so much splendor even if with some minor inconveniences like a nice resin stain on our favorite jeans. Patience, so by continuing to read this article you will discover the natural remedies to erase the resin from your clothes, of every fabric and color!

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© iStock. Hug between two newborn kittens

Resin stains as a souvenir

If you have brought many wonderful memories with you from your holidays and some resin stains that you would have preferred to do without, do not despair. Resin is a sticky substance that is very difficult to remove but with some natural remedies you can make it disappear quickly. Resin stains are very frequent when you are in contact with nature and in the middle of the green just like grass or mud stains! Eliminating them is not impossible and you can regain the color and brilliance of your garments without having to go to the laundry. The only recommendation, as always in the case of difficult stains, is to carefully read the washing labels to understand what fabric it is and to be able to work best to remove the resin stain from your clothes. And then remember: the sooner you act, the better chance you will have of getting rid of these stains!

What is resin?

Plant resin is a transparent substance with a persistent odor and sticky consistency produced by some plants, especially pines and firs, but also many others. These substances are present in plants because they protect them in a natural way from parasites, fungi and insects and also because they are able to close the wounds and cuts of the plants. The resin in the air tends to dry quickly and take on an amber color tending to a more intense yellow. The resin sticks to the fibers of the fabrics very quickly: this is why in the event of a stain it is necessary to act immediately to have a better chance of eliminating it! In addition, the resin also reaches hidden points of our dresses: it often happens to find resin stains on skirts and trousers simply because while walking we have just touched a tree.

Tell me how is your dress ...

And I'll tell you how to get rid of the resin stains. Look at the label so you know how to remove stains and at what temperature it is best to proceed with washing. If the stains are very small you can also proceed with a cotton swab soaked in the natural remedy of your choice without having to resort to a complete washing of the garment: in the case of very delicate or colorful clothes it can be a great comfort! If the garment you stained with resin is made of a precious fabric (but what were you doing dressed like this in the middle of the woods?) Then the recommendation is to proceed with a washing test in a hidden corner of the dress so as not to ruin the dress. and checks the resistance of the fabric to the chosen remedy. Being timely is essential, not only to be able to aim for a perfect result but also to prevent the resin from transferring from stained clothes to bags, car seats, home chairs and so on!

How to remove resin stains

Resist the temptation to throw a resin-stained garment in the washing machine. You could make the situation worse and even stain other clothes! The resin is not washable, this means that it does not go away with water but rather becomes harder and more resistant after being immersed in water. Don't wash your resin stained dress right away or you'll make the stain almost indelible! A good idea, on the other hand, is to try to transfer the stain from your dress to another surface, placing it on a sheet of newspaper or absorbent paper and then passing on the hot but not hot iron. The resin melts, begins to peel off and with a little luck it could stick to the new surface, leaving your dress almost clean.

If your dress is cotton and white in color ...

If in the middle of nature you have stained a white cotton garment you can say you are really lucky. Removing the resin from the white cotton is perhaps the simplest procedure: use alcohol at 90 degrees, or turpentine on a cotton ball. Always protect your hands with a pair of gloves while exerting a rubbing action on the stain with a little pressure. Do you know what turpentine is? It is a substance with a persistent odor that is part of the products that are obtained from the distillation of the resin, in particular from those of conifers, and can help you eliminate resin stains by rubbing a little!

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Spots of resin on colored cotton

If, on the other hand, you wore cotton clothes but not white you need to pay more attention to avoid discoloring them. Removing the resin from the colored cotton is possible but requires a little attention. Soak the stained garment in water and Marseille soap, making sure to turn it inside out to avoid damaging the colors. At this point you can rub the stain with a solution consisting of 3 parts of 90 degree alcohol and one part of turpentine. Leave it on for a few minutes and then rinse in hot water by hand or in the washing machine: the stain will disappear as if by magic!

Resin stained jeans: what to use?

You will need ice cubes to get the resin out of your favorite jeans. Denim is a hardwearing and stiff fabric that does not get damaged easily so you can wash it without difficulty. Treat the stain with an ice cube, if the stain is recent you will be able to eliminate it in a few moments in a few minutes. If you don't have ice cubes, you can store the jeans in the freezer for two or three hours. At the end of this time you can remove any resin residues from the jeans with turpentine oil and then proceed to a normal washing in the washing machine.

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Synthetic garments with resin stains

If the resin stain is on a synthetic garment, you can resort to a remedy widely used by grandmothers who used olive oil for this purpose. The beauty of natural remedies is just that, they are cheap products and for sure you already have them at home! In fact, olive oil is emollient and can remove the resin if you soak the stain and let it absorb for a few minutes. The stain is then dabbed with talcum powder or baking powder and left to dry for a few hours. The talcum powder is essential to remove the oil stain that will be created by eliminating the resin stain. To remove the talcum powder, you can then use a clothes brush and finally wash your synthetic garment in hot water, with hand soap or in the washing machine to remove any residual dust.

Remove the resin from wool and silk

If you have ruined a delicate wool or silk garment by staining it with resin, you can use the turpentine essence without rubbing but gently dabbing and then wash the garment by hand (and not in the washing machine!) Using warm water, a lot of patience and a good mild soap. .

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