Attitudes to avoid with your Him according to the zodiac sign

Knowing your man's weaknesses and flaws can be an excellent starting point for establishing a peaceful and lasting relationship. Often, in fact, avoiding a certain type of attitude with a rather sensitive or not very patient him, can really save your life - and the relationship! In many cases, the zodiac sign can affect temperament and character, emphasizing aspects and ways of reacting, which are thus partly predictable. Why not take advantage of this resource so as to optimize your love story? Here are the attitudes to avoid based on the zodiac sign in order not to run into diplomatic incidents and establish a solid and lasting relationship! Ready to take notes?

With an ARIES avoid ...

The attitude of a commander.That is his specialty. He can't stand being given orders and someone telling him what to do. Leave it free and you will see that it will bring out its best side. If you want to learn more, to avoid world wars and diplomatic incidents, here is a list of the things to never say to a ram!

See also

Decluttering: what to eliminate based on the zodiac sign

Gemini: everything there is to know about this zodiac sign!

Cancer: here are all the characteristics and mysteries of the zodiac sign

With a BULL avoid ...

To incapacitate you. He is so convinced of his ideas and willing to do anything to carry them forward that you will hardly be able to make him change them. Rather take it gently and you will see that little by little it will get there by itself.

With a GEMINI avoid ...

The complaints. It is a sign that notoriously does not bring much patience and it is easy for him to get tired of you if you do nothing but list your misfortunes. Take it more lightly and you'll have it on your side!

With a CANCER avoid ...

To attack him. It is easy for him to take it and it takes very little for him to feel hurt. If you have something to point out, count to ten and stay calm, it will be enough to resolve any disagreements.

With a LION avoid ...

To belittle it. For him it is important that his role as a leader is recognized and he cannot bear to be underestimated. Feed his ego and you can ask him anything.

With a VIRGIN avoid ...

To argue. His being picky and getting stuck on every detail risks sucking you into a potentially endless discussion. Sometimes agreeing with him is also convenient for you.

With a LIBRA you avoid ...

Carelessness and sloppiness. This sign just can't stand being surrounded by things (and people) that do not correspond to its canons of elegance and beauty. The form, with him, has its importance.

With a SCORPIO avoid ...

The banality. He is attracted to people outside the box, to everything that has a bit of mystery in it. Everything that is banal turns him off and, little by little, you risk losing his attention and pushing him to look for stimuli elsewhere. But be careful: although he is an easy cheater, he is also one of the signs least willing to forgive a betrayal ...

With a SAGITTARIUS avoid ...

The heaviness. The eternal adolescent of the zodiac should not be bored and depressed with too serious and material speeches. If you really have to make them, try to lighten them in a playful context.

With a CAPRICORN avoid ...

To betray him. It is a very serious sign, which does not forgive and does not grant second chances. Whether you have a relationship of friendship, love or even work with him, try to be as honest as possible and you will be appreciated.

With an AQUARIUM avoid ...

To be intrusive. Aquarians don't own and don't like being possessed. Intrusiveness drives them away and, paradoxically, to bring them closer you will need to arm yourself with patience and keep yourself a little away.

With a FISH avoid ...

Be vague and get straight to the point. It is a sign that tends to mull over things a lot and there is a risk of being misunderstood. Clarity will help you make your way through that labyrinth that is their sensitivity.