How to tell if you are in love: the signs to find out if your heart has been stolen!

Have you lost your appetite? Can't sleep at night? Are you acting irrational? Sorry to tell you that you may be sick ... of love! If you always feel your heart in your mouth and can't think of anything other than your "him", it may be time to ask yourself if you are in love. But how do you know if you are really in love or if it is a simple infatuation? Are there any signs that can help you better understand this state of mind that makes you constantly feel like you have butterflies in your stomach? Below you can find a list of the most common symptoms of love. If your behavior seems to match their description, then the answer is pretty obvious: you are in love.

1. Struggles to sleep

In fairy tales told to children, all the heroes and princesses, as soon as they meet their soul mate, start having trouble falling asleep. When a person controls your subconscious and doesn't leave you alone even at night, it definitely means that he has had some impact on you. Here, this is one of the main symptoms to understand if you are in love.

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2. It's always on your mind

When you are in love it is easy to live in the clouds: do not be surprised if you take the wrong bus, you forget to turn off the light and you are constantly surprised to think about him. That ex you have been obsessed with for months suddenly becomes "Marco who?" and you have no eyes for anyone else, not even Ryan Gosling (no, that's impossible!) You always want to write to him and your heart beats every time you see him, even if your meetings happen hours apart. There is little to do: you are really in love!

3. You would do anything for him

When you fall in love, you realize it's really true: you would do anything for love! You begin to regularly engage in activities that you previously considered boring and in which you had no interest: you may find yourself watching episodes of "Dragonball", attending beer festivals or going out every night with his immature friends. The list is truly endless - suddenly golf, camping and soccer become your obsessions. Of course, we're not saying it's okay to do absolutely everything your he loves but that, when you love someone, it's definitely harder to say no to that special someone than to everyone else.

4. You are willing to compromise

For a couple to work, it is important that both parties know how to compromise (try asking anyone who has been married for quite an extended period). Unfortunately, compromising can sometimes be difficult. In any case, when you are in love it is definitely worth it: as long as you are in his company you don't care if he chooses the film to see at the cinema (and then the next time the choice of the film will be up to you, in theory, at least).

5. You feel complete

Being in love is like living in a soap bubble: all the little daily irritations suddenly become bearable and nothing really bothers you. Of course, this is not always good. If you are investing a lot of yourself in your love relationship, you need to be careful not to be negligent in other areas, such as friendship and work.

6. Think about the future

Thinking about the future can be scary, especially when it means thinking about marriage, mortgage and children. However, all of these thoughts become a little less scary and a little more exciting when shared with the right person! If you and your "him" have already had a serious discussion about the future, then you have both considered building a life together. This can only be love!

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