Breakfast in bed: 5 steps to prepare it perfectly

«I" ll wake you up with some breakfast in bed, I "ll bring you coffee with a kiss on your head": so sings James Arthur in his romantic ballad Say You Won "t Let Go. Waking up in the morning and finding your loved one who made us breakfast, took her to bed on a tray and passes us a cup of coffee giving us a sweet kiss on the head is a "Hollywood movie" image, but every woman dreams.

In fact, although we were very often forbidden as children due to crumbs and the high risk of dirtying blankets and pillows, breakfast in bed is a treat to be given at least once a week, especially during weekends or a day of celebration. when you have more time to cook some delicacy and enjoy it. Being a gesture of love, it is also nice to surprise your him in this way. If you have decided to prepare the breakfast in bed for your partner, perhaps on an important occasion such as Valentine's Day or Christmas or during any day when you are both at home, in this article you can find out the 5 steps to follow to do it better.

Before you begin, take a look at this short video where we reveal the 10 foods that should never be missing on your table. Some of them, like some types of fruit, are perfect to be served as breakfast in bed:

1. Alarm clock

Normally, bringing someone breakfast to their room is a surprise. For this, you need to wake up at least half an hour earlier to be able to cook and prepare everything, including the arrangement on the tray, with calm and tranquility. It is best to set the alarm to minimum volume, keep the device or mobile phone at hand, in so as not to wake your loved one, sneaking into the kitchen right away.

See also

American breakfast: ingredients and recipes

Easy pancakes: the quick recipe for a super breakfast!

English breakfast: all the secrets of the English Breakfast

2. Recipes to prepare

For a perfect breakfast in bed there are no fixed rules regarding the choice of foods to serve, but only some advice. For example, it would be best not to overdo crumbling foods that are uncomfortable to eat in bed, but if they are your partner's favorite recipes, then a break from the rule can be made. The important thing is to get everything you need the day before and keep it handy in the kitchen, without making too much noise by opening cupboards and drawers.

If you and your boyfriend love the classic sweet breakfast, a great idea is to serve slices of toast with butter and jam, a slice of cake or maybe even a waffle or homemade pancakes, accompanied by berries. or maple syrup.

On the other hand, if you are a lover of English Breakfast or savory breakfast in general, eggs cannot be missing. They can be served only with bacon or with pancakes and two or three slices of bread per person. A valid alternative is the "avocado toast, now a trend in brunches in the finest places in big cities. For both types of breakfast, you can add a plate of fresh fruit.

3. Choice of cups and drinks

Just like with recipes and foods, you can indulge yourself in drinks to sip during breakfast. From the classic and timeless milk coffee, to juices and juices of various kinds: everything is allowed! A tip concerns above all the choice of cups: given the limited space of the tray, it is best not to use the largest ones in the set: a medium-sized cup will be fine. Also, avoid filling it to the brim, but a maximum of three quarters, so that your coffee or any other drink does not risk spilling.

4. Preparing the tray

For breakfast in bed, it is preferable to use a tray, perhaps made of wood or bamboo, with the edges raised, so that the risk of dropping food or drinks is reduced - coffee or milk stains are difficult to get rid of. ! In any case, it must be large in order to carry everything you need. In fact, there is nothing more annoying, both for you and for your partner in bed, than a constant coming and going between the bedroom and the kitchen, because you have forgotten something, such as the set of napkins, sugar or cutlery.

To make it even more romantic, you can make some decorations, such as scattering a few petals or placing a small vase with a flower inside on the tray. Furthermore, it does not mean that your boyfriend should always perform gallant gestures: you could fold the napkins in a pyramid or write him a note with a phrase especially for him.

5. Atmosphere

Finally, when you are about to enter the room with the tray prepared ad hoc and your delicious breakfast, creates the right atmosphere. Indeed, the breakfast in bed of films is a special moment, at the crossroads between a small luxury and a vice that can be enjoyed only a few days a month. For this reason, it is important to create the best atmosphere, also because, if he hasn't woken up in the meantime, your partner will still be asleep. How to do it? Simple, just add one or more details of the things you like most. Usually, it's always nice to wake up with your favorite song in the background or finding the newspaper you normally read on Sundays in your room.