Cavitation: we solve all your doubts

Cavitation is an aesthetic treatment that presents itself as the ideal alternative to liposuction. It is a revolutionary method aimed at eliminating localized fat and the dreaded cellulite.

Of course, a healthy and balanced diet, good lifestyle habits and targeted exercises can already help us to counteract unsightly skin blemishes ...

Although it is now a widespread treatment, there is still a lot of ignorance about this technique. To begin with, if we look at the price difference of the different centers that offer it (from 25 euros per session to about 100) we wonder if all cavitation devices are the same or if the applied methodology is really the correct one.

Below we try to answer the most common questions about the aesthetic treatment that promises to wage war on cellulite.

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What is cavitation

Aesthetic cavitation is a treatment that is performed through low-frequency ultrasonic waves which, when applied to the skin, create vacuum micro-bubbles inside a liquid or fluid. In the case of fat, the fat cells are subjected to a large pressure, which causes the membrane to rupture and the fat passes into a liquid state, which is easy to eliminate through the urine or the lymphatic system.

Cavitation is not an aesthetic treatment indicated for weight loss, but for body shaping. It is mainly used to eliminate localized fat that does not disappear with anti-cellulite diets, with physical exercise or with other aesthetic treatments. Its effectiveness is more evident in the buttocks, abdomen and legs area, but it can still be done in multiple areas of the body.
It is also recommended for those people who, although they are thin or at their ideal weight, tend to accumulate fat in certain areas, such as the hips or stomach.

Which areas of the body can be treated with cavitation?

As we have already mentioned, cavitation treats the fat found in certain areas, so it focuses on treating the parts of the body where fat cells accumulate the most:

  • Abdomen
  • Flanks
  • Buttocks
  • Inner thighs
  • Outer face of the thighs
  • Knees

As you can see, it is a fairly complete treatment that allows the elimination of localized fat and the reduction of volume in different areas. In this way it can be adapted to different cases, from those who want to treat only one area to others who they want to combine several to achieve a more generalized loss of volume.

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Cavitation results

According to experts, the results of cavitation are visible starting from the third session. And it should be noted that cavitation is always accompanied by other therapies, such as pressure therapy, to drain the entire area of ​​diluted fat, radiofrequency to drain and firm, or the vibrating platform, which can also be applied before the session. cavitation.

To cure these problems and achieve their total elimination, of course, it is also necessary to combine them with healthy habits to practice every day, first of all a healthy and balanced diet and constant physical exercise.

How long does the session last? And how many to do?

Another fundamental aspect is the periodicity of the treatment. The fat is removed after about four days, so from that moment on, a second session can be carried out, but one treatment per week lasting 40 minutes, no more, is recommended.

As for the number of sessions, professionals will have the task of determining the necessary ones according to specific cases.

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Cavitation indications and risks

People with pacemakers or implants, pregnant or breastfeeding women, people with kidney failure, liver failure, hypertriglyceridemia or hypercholesterolemia should not undergo this treatment. In any case, since it is an aesthetic treatment, any person with any type of disorder or disease will be addressed directly by his specialist to clarify whether or not it is suitable for the type of treatment. In fact, it is always advisable to supervise medical professionals for any type of treatment.

For people without health problems, the risks of cavitation are very minimal. In very rare cases, a "burn" may occur, caused by the application of ultrasound. Sometimes there may be a localized accumulation of fat that is not eliminated well, but this would happen if the drainage was not done. However, following treatment guidelines, cavitation presents no complications.

The technology of the equipment used to apply this treatment depends on the center. There is a lot of offer on the market regarding the cavitation machine, but it is important that it goes to around 40khz. Its power is obviously to be adjusted according to the constitution of the individual who undergoes the treatment. It is not the same to have a lot of fat mass and to have little, and you must also take into account the specific areas on which you want to act. For all these reasons, it is highly advisable to go to a specialized center that has the right equipment to get the best results and not take any risks.

Advantages of cavitation over other treatments

Regarding the advantages of cavitation, we emphasize these aspects:

  • It is not an invasive therapy, so it is an "alternative to liposuction.
  • It goes to attack right where it is needed, that is, where the fat is most resistant.
  • Its results in terms of volume loss are visible: you can lose up to 2 centimeters of perimeter per session, although it depends on the case.
  • After the third session the result becomes more visible.
  • The treatment, which takes about 40 minutes, is not painful. There is a kind of "beep" due to the application of ultrasound, but it causes pain.
  • After the treatment, the skin is smooth, with less volume and without trauma.
  • It greatly improves circulation, eliminates toxins, increases tissue tone and elasticity and has been shown to help regulate intestinal transit.

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Recommendations before undergoing cavitation treatment

Cavitation does not require much preventive care, although there are some tips that we would like to recommend:

  • Pay attention to what you eat during the duration of the treatment so that it is more effective and that the results are better. It is not about following a strict diet, but about eating healthy (vegetables, fruits, vegetables, fish, meat ...).
  • For cavitation, it is especially recommended to drink a lot of water both the day before and the day after, because it is the means by which fat is eliminated in the liquid state.
  • Then you can do a self-massage using a draining cream or an anti-cellulite gel to help eliminate the fat.
  • The general recommendation is to allow a minimum of 72 hours to pass between one cavitation session and the next.
  • Always follow the recommendations of the professionals of the beauty center you go to.

What do you think? Would you like to try cavitation? Now that you are aware of this basic information, the best thing to do is to rely on professional and trusted beauty centers. This advice is applicable for any medical-cosmetic treatment, as this will ensure that you are in the hands of a team of suitable and up to date professionals.

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