Zodiac sign change: how can we find out if our zodiac sign is really correct?

As you will see, it takes very little for you to click the change of zodiac sign between the planets. And when the planets change their position, there is also a change in their influence on who is born at that moment. That is why the zodiac signs have different characteristics and peculiarities and unique traits. Watch the video and discover the three adjectives that describe each protagonist of the horoscope in a few words but with great detail!

Change of zodiac sign: The thirteenth sign, the "Ophiuchus

The Greeks associated each individual with the constellation behind the Sun at the time of his coming into the world. NASA scientists also state that there are 13 zodiac signs, as they add a thirteenth sign to the usual 12 of Western Astrology and that is the Ophiuchus, which must be inserted in the Zodiac. The astronomers of the past times had ignored this zodiac sign, in so as to divide the 360 ​​° rotation of the Sun into 12 sections of 30 °. Ofiuco, known as the snake bearer, passes behind the Sun in the days from November 30 to December 18. So, maybe you discover that you are of the sign of Ofiuco , if you were born during this period.

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We therefore have very different dates of the various zodiac signs. According to these NASA scholars, the exact dates are these: Aries from April 19 to May 14; Taurus from May 15 to June 21; Gemini from 22 June to 20 July; Cancer from July 21 to August 10; Leone from 11 August to 16 September; Virgo from September 17 to October 31; Libra from November 1 to November 13; Scorpio from November 14 to November 29; Ophiuchus from November 30 to December 18; Sagittarius from December 19 to January 20; Capricorn from January 21 to February 16; Aquarius from February 17 to March 12; Pisces from March 13 to April 18. Q
his thirteenth sign derives its name from the ancient Greek Ὀφιοῦχος, in Latin Ophiūchus, "he who carries the serpent" or "he who dominates the serpent" is part of the current 88 constellations. Ophiuchus represents a bearded man holding a snake in his hands. This thirteenth zodiac sign with its insertion has not changed the sign only of those born in this period from November 30 to December 18, but with a progressive effect also those of all the other signs of the Zodiac. With the inclusion of Ophiuchus, the thirteenth sign totally changes the Zodiac of Western Astrology.

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Change of zodiac sign: the precession of the equinoxes

The astrological system dates back several millennia, in fact. it does not take into account that, in addition to the movement that the Earth makes by turning around the Sun, there is also a movement that concerns the inclination of the earth's axis, which moves slowly. The precession of the equinoxes was not considered, due to the precession of the "axis of rotation of the Earth, caused by the attraction of the force of gravity of the Sun and the Moon and by the imperfect sphericity of our Planet." The precession also slowly moves the equinoctial points, so they are registered about twenty minutes before the previous year. For the precession of the equinoxes (about one degree every 72 years), the location of the zodiac signs and constellations no longer coincide. The Sphere celestial is formed by the whole of the fixed stars. Celestial bodies move on it: the moon, the sun, the planets. The sidereal Zodiac has fixed points as a reference, stars and constellations. Indian or Vedic astrology (jyotish) is based on this Zodiac.

The tropical zodiac, on which Western astrology is based, has as its reference points only mobile elements, that is, the sun, moon and planets, and not the position of the fixed stars or constellations, of which it uses only the name. which the Sun is at at the time of the equinoxes and solstices are the basic ones for the tropical zodiac.

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Not only libra, sagittarius, leo, gemini, aquarius and the other signs of the traditional horoscope! Now that you have read this article you can choose whether to follow the division of traditional signs or embrace the new theory that introduces the thirteenth sign and which takes into account the movements of the constellations and planets.

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