Lunar calendar: when to cut hair according to the phases of the moon

Whether it is waxing or waning, half or full, the moon has always had a decisive influence on many phenomena of the Earth and nature; for example, it brings benefits and regulates the rhythms of agriculture and tides and it is said that it can also affect the course of pregnancy. Not only that, it also seems to have an influence on the human body, especially on the phases of the menstrual flow, on the sleep cycle and even on the hair.

It might sound strange, and there is no scientific evidence about it, but just as it can stimulate plant growth, the moon could also play an influence on natural hair growth. After all, the same processes and rhythms in agriculture and wine-growing are regulated and marked following the phases of the moon, so it is not so absurd to think that there is a link between the moon and the dynamics that regulate our planet and our body.

According to this theory, cutting your hair during certain phases of the moon could make it grow faster and stronger and healthier than before. But what are the best moments for our hair according to the lunar calendar? Below you can find all the useful tips to make the most of this bond and book an appointment at the hairdresser at the most favorable moment.

To show off dream hair, however, it is not enough to rely on the mysterious powers of the moon, but it is also good to adopt a series of good hair care habits to be performed consistently; in the video that follows, we suggest some of them.

What is the lunar calendar?

The lunar calendar is based on the phases of the moon. The lunar year has a slightly shorter duration than the solar year, because it has 354 days and 12 lunations in total.
It is precisely the cycle of the moon and its different phases that would have the power to influence multiple mechanisms, as we mentioned earlier. In fact, each of these phases presents precise characteristics that would be propitious for certain activities or phenomena, facilitating their success.

For example, we know that the crescent moon would favor upward growth and the development of branches and leaves, while the waning moon would stimulate downward development, therefore it would be the ideal time to sow root and bulb vegetables.These two phases are in fact wisely exploited to initiate and regulate activities related to the world of fields, vineyards and agriculture in general.

Now let's see in detail the 4 main phases of the lunar calendar and which are the most propitious or the least suitable for cutting hair.

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1. New moon: the least suitable time to cut hair

When the lunar calendar shows the new moon, it would be best to avoid cutting your hair. This is because in conjunction with this phase, the moon is not visible in the sky because it is hidden between the Sun and the Earth. Its apparent absence is associated with a condition of greater fragility in humans, this also affects the state of our hair.

For this reason and by virtue of that bond that would see it influence some realities of our world, cutting your hair during this specific lunar phase could cause the weakening of the hair bulbs, helping to make them more fragile, frayed and causing them to fall more rapidly. following.

2. Moon in the waxing phase: a propitious period

The growing phase would be one of the most propitious moments: it would help hair to grow faster and make it stronger and healthier. This happens because at this specific moment, liquids and energies would increase in our body, therefore the hair would also receive the beneficial effects of this general regeneration of our physical state.

To obtain the desired results, the moon must be in the phase of the crescent quarter, when it will be possible to see at least half of it illuminated.

This is also the most suitable phase if you want to make a dye: the hair will absorb the color more easily, and this will have a more intense and luminous yield.

3. The full moon: the perfect time to cut your hair

The best time of the lunar calendar corresponds to the full moon.

In this case we are in the phase of maximum splendor: the moon is visible in the sky in all its entirety and expresses itself at its maximum power; to this condition, by virtue of the mysterious bonds described above, should therefore correspond to a greater energy on the part of the forces of the earth and of the human body. Therefore, even the hair would benefit greatly from it.

Proceeding with the cut in this phase of the full moon, or at most the previous day, helps to strengthen the structure of the hair, making it stronger and shinier and promoting faster regrowth.

4. What about the waning moon? Ideal for those who want to slow down their growth

It is not advisable to cut the foliage when the moon is in the waning phase; this depends on the fact that in this moment, the liquids of our body are disposed of more easily and also the hair will be more fragile and less resistant, therefore their growth will be less rapid.

But be careful, this could be the ideal time for those who want a short cut and would like to keep it as long as possible, slightly slowing its regrowth.

Another category that could take advantage of this phase is that of women who show off particularly wild and rebellious hair and want to try to contain it as much as possible to tame it more easily, thus preventing it from becoming even more voluminous and unmanageable.

Can astral pictures also have an influence?

It would seem that the moon is able to increase its beneficial effects if it is found in certain zodiac signs. Here are two astral paintings that are particularly favorable for a successful haircut.

  • When the moon is in Venus, the best conditions are created to proceed with the cut; in particular, in this situation the hair would benefit above all in softness and brightness.
  • With the moon in Leo, however, the hair will be stronger, thicker and more flowing and will have a better chance of growing faster.

The best time of each phase of the lunar calendar

It seems that there is also a more suitable time slot as well as a more propitious time, as seen above.
Here are the best times based on the phase you have chosen according to your needs:

  • with a full moon, it is better to act in the morning; therefore prefer a time between six and noon.
  • with the growing moon, it would be preferable to proceed in the second part of the day, and specifically between noon and 18.00.
  • with the waning moon, opt for the morning time slot, again between 6.00 and 12.00 that day.

Other remedies to make hair grow faster

Counting on lunar influences, although there is no scientific certainty, is undoubtedly a simple move that we can exploit in our favor without too much effort, but it is also good to adopt some healthy hair care rules to facilitate faster regrowth of the hair and allow it to show off a healthier, shinier and more resistant look.
Here are the main ones:

  • Take care of your diet, making sure you always integrate hair-friendly foods, including fruit and vegetables.
  • Do not use rubber bands that are too tight.
  • Do not stress the scalp with too frequent washing and aggressive products.
  • Dry them carefully, avoiding as much as possible to use plates and using the hair dryer at the right distance and at a not too high temperature.
  • Make natural masks every now and then, taking care to massage the scalp gently.
  • Trim your hair often, to eliminate split ends, fortify the lengths and make the hair more resistant as a whole.

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