Chinese pregnancy calendar: what is it and how is it used?

You have discovered that you are expecting a baby and the questions that crowd into your mind are many. After the initial fears about this new status, you will surely ask yourself: but will it be male or female? It is legitimate to ask, it is the aspect that most intrigues all future mothers.

Today we want to reveal an easy to use and fun tool to discover, based on simple data, the sex of the unborn child: the Chinese pregnancy calendar.

Obviously the ways to find out with certainty the sex of the child are amniocentesis or morphology, only through these official exams will you be really sure about the sex of your child.

The Italian Committee for the Control of Claims on Pseudoscience clearly states that there is no scientific evidence that proves the reliability of this tool. With the Chinese pregnancy calendar, however, you can try to guess and see if it hit the mark.

Before continuing to read, we have created a video for you to discover the fertile days, you can find it below.

Chinese pregnancy calendar: what it is

A Chinese table found in a tomb near Beijing and preserved today at the "Institute of Chinese Science in Beijing (Beijing Institute of Science), is where everything starts from. The method consists in" crossing the month of conception with the age of mother at the moment of conception. The accuracy of the result is 93%.

The table is composed as follows: a first column on the left expresses the age, while the first row at the top expresses the months of the year. The column on the far left is dedicated to the percentages that indicate the more or less high possibility that the child is male or female. Finally, at the bottom, there is a row also made up of percentages indicating the probability of having a girl. or a baby boy based on the month of conception.

See also

Symptoms of pregnancy: the first signs to know if you are pregnant

False menstruation or implantation losses: can the period come in pregnancy?

Pregnancy test: when to do it and how does it work?

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The odds of having a boy or a girl

There are many ways to know, even before doing the ultrasound, if the baby you are expecting will be male or female. Some of these ways are extravagant and among them there is certainly the Chinese pregnancy calendar. According to the table found in China, if you hope it is a blue ribbon, the probability increases in the month of July, when the woman is 18, 20, 30 or 42 years old.

If, on the other hand, you strongly hope for the pink ribbon, you have the greatest possibilities at 21, 22 or 29 years and in particular in the month of April.

As you well know, a pregnant woman during the nine months that separates her from childbirth really feels all the colors: starting from the shape of the belly, up to the appearance of the skin. It is important not to be conditioned and rely only on your gynecologist. who will be able to give the good news with official tests such as morphology and amniocentesis.

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Other possible combinations

By looking at the Chinese pregnancy calendar table, we can make predictions month by month.

For example, starting from the quarter of January, February and March the following is observed:

  • in January the possibility of getting pregnant with a male prevails, but if we cross this data with age, we must exclude 18, 20, 22, 25, 27, 29, 33, 37, 39, 41 and 43, these are the years d "age when, on the other hand, you are more likely to conceive a girl.
  • in February and March you have a 50% chance of getting pregnant with a boy rather than a girl.

In the quarter April, May and June here's what happens:

  • in April the conception of a girl prevails except for those who are 18, 20, 24, 25, 26, 27, 30, 31, 32, 36 and 42 years old.
  • in May, instead, the blue ribbon wins.
  • in June the chances of becoming a mother of a boy or girl are equal

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Let's move on to the next few months and see what the statistic says.

  • in July all women who want a boy can try to have a child, in fact in these months the probability of the blue ribbon is greater than the pink one.
  • the same is not true for August, where the odds are even.
  • finally in September it is time to hope for all couples looking for a female.
  • in October it is the conception of males that is the master, except for those who are 20, 21, 22, 27, 28, 31, 36, 38, 40, 41 years of age.
  • in November the possibility of having a baby girl returns instead.
  • finally in December the probabilities are equal.

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Twin births for the Chinese calendar

The table we have mentioned so far does not take into consideration any twin births. So how to do in these cases? It is very simple: however, try to cross-reference the data, the mother's age and the month of conception, then look at the calendar answer.

Who knows maybe she got us and you're pregnant with two male twins, or two girls. Only the in-depth examinations provided for the pregnant woman can confirm all this or perhaps disprove it. You may be expecting a mixed pair of twins, a boy and a girl!

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Conception and lunar calendar

Observing the phases of the moon is another method of determining the sex of the baby. Also in this case the beliefs are not lacking, always remember to take the final result ... with philosophy!

It is said that during the full moon phase there is more probability of conceiving a boy, while to conceive a girl, the best period is exactly before the full moon.

In short, we know how great the curiosity is to discover the sex of the newborn. Through this method that we have shown you, every woman can make a calculation and decide when is the right time for conception.

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