Do-it-yourself black mask: how to purify the skin naturally

The T-zone of our face (forehead, nose and chin) is the one that most needs to be purified as it "sneaks" impurities that mixed with the excess of sebum naturally present, contribute to the formation of unsightly blackheads that need to be be removed away.
Our expert, Rosalia Cataldi, proposes this purifying natural mask specific for the T-zone of the face all natural.


½ teaspoon of charcoal
2 teaspoons of honey

See also

Turmeric detox mask: how to deeply purify the skin

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Mix the two ingredients until you get a creamy mixture to apply on clean skin. We leave it on for ten minutes and rinse carefully first with lukewarm and then cold water. If possible, it is advisable to then refresh the nose with an astringent toner and apply an emollient moisturizing serum.

How does it work:

The purifying action of the mask is undoubtedly due to activated carbon, while honey, thanks to its precious moisturizing, emollient and calming properties, tends to compensate for the decrease in hydration due to the more aggressive action of vegetable carbon.

Recipe Black mask: the do-it-yourself recipe!

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