Physical attraction: all the factors that fascinate us

Attraction comes from the Latin attractio -onis and it indicates the action of attracting something towards oneself. This is not the only meaning, but now we will focus precisely on the attraction that is created between two people.

One of the first things to look at to understand if your partner is attracted to us is to study their body language. Posture, gestures and movements in general can often be worth a thousand words. In this video we explain how to interpret the signals that your partner gives you through the body.

Where does sexual attraction arise?

We all implement very specific strategies to get noticed by the person we like, but what is the factor that triggers the "physical attraction? The ability to attract is more a" skill, supported in some cases by some traits physicists capable of ensuring success.

In most cases though, we don't need to have doe eyes, angelic face and sensual lips to make the other fall at our feet, it all depends on our skills.

Unfortunately or fortunately, the first thing that is noticed is the "physical aspect:" also the "eye wants its part" and as far as we know that the character and everything we have inside is worth much more, the physical for good or for evil is decisive in outlining the first impression.

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How to conquer a man: all the tips to seduce the man of your dreams

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Remember: the first impression, however, is not the final one, it is up to you to turn the result in your favor if things are not going the way you hoped.

The human brain in less than two seconds is able to process the physical traits of the person in front of us and attribute an aesthetic judgment to him. The hair, the complexion, the clothes, are the first things we notice without even realizing it.

Everything is cataloged and classified. Without saying a word, the other person has already told us a lot, or rather we have interpreted it. So when you say love at first sight, now we know what it means!

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Attraction: the role of hair and perfume

Hair frames the face and is part of the list of the very first things that are noticed. When we meet a new person we are able to tell if "skin" we like it or not even after a few minutes from the presentation, this is because each of us has in mind the canons of beauty of the ideal person for him or her.

The way the hair is styled, the color, whether it is straight or curly are all factors that will affect the final judgment. A manicured, shiny, thick hair will certainly be attractive even to the eyes of a stranger.

And the smell? Yes, even our perfume or in general the smell of the skin of which we are often unaware, strongly affects the seduction of the partner.Having an unpleasant or too aggressive scent will not help us: it is better to prefer natural scents or with a fresh aroma which in general are always very popular.

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Do beauty and attraction go hand in hand?

A famous saying goes: "beauty is in the eye of the beholder" and this means that often the inner beauty wins over the outer one.

Some people are not physically attractive, but they have a way of doing things, a laugh, particular gestures or more generally a character that makes them irresistible.

All these non-physical characteristics act as a real magnet for the other and spark the spark of mental attraction, which could be immediately followed by the physical one.

Furthermore, pheromones play a fundamental role, substances emitted by the body of women during the period of ovulation and which cause the level of testosterone in men to skyrocket.

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Other physical factors that trigger sexual attraction

In the game of seduction there are so many factors to consider, some of the physical type we have already mentioned, but there are other determinants in arousing interest in the person of the other sex. Let's see what they are for both men and women. .

  • Symmetrical faces

The symmetrical and harmonious faces attract irremediably, this always because the eyes seek beauty and perfection. A well-groomed face, a radiant skin obviously affect this whole process.

  • Iris

Much more than the color of the eyes, the dark circle around the iris is particularly striking: the more intense it is, the more attractive it will be.

  • Stature

Height plays a key role for both men and women. Usually women tend to prefer tall, sturdy men who give a greater sense of protection and security. Men are instead attracted to smaller, shorter women.

  • Muscles

Prominent musculature is not always liked, it is very subjective. What is certain is that muscular men (and also women) always make their figure and in most cases are extremely attractive.

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Wrinkles are also attractive

We are used to always looking for perennial youth, miraculous creams that make all the signs of aging disappear up to costly surgical operations to get rid of even the last wrinkle on the face.

We want to reveal a secret: according to some recent studies conducted by the University of Madrid, men are also attracted to faces that are not necessarily young. A mature face has all the credentials to seduce and be attractive even in the presence of wrinkles.

Basically, all this is to underline that some wrinkles, a scar, thin lips are not to be considered defects, but distinctive features that can make us attractive.

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Love and Attraction: What's the Difference?

Love is the direct consequence of attraction, but there can be exceptions. It all depends on the intentions and the moment we are living. It is therefore not said that if we are attracted to a person it means that we are also in love with him.

Unfortunately, it is from these situations that the first misunderstandings arise in the couple: one of the two may already be in the phase of falling in love, while the other may have stopped at simple physical attraction.

The delusions of love are just around the corner, it is up to us to know how to identify them and above all to establish a dialogue and be clear about our intentions from the beginning.

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The attraction also applies to animals

We are not so different from animals, in fact even in the animal world the game of attraction and seduction manifest themselves just like in man.

Suffice it to say that the lionesses first noticed the lion's mane: based on how thick, dark and dense it is the level of testosterone in the blood will be high.

Red-legged partridges prefer males with intensely colored feathers: this feature seems to be synonymous with a healthy, parasite-free immune system.

Other physical characteristics famous in the animal world? Teeth, horns and crests to name just a few. All elements that give the female a sense of protection.

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