Antihistamine in pregnancy: does the use of this drug pose a risk to the fetus?

Is the antihistamine in pregnancy a drug that can have side effects or pose a risk to the fetus? The use of the antihistamine is linked to the presence of allergic symptoms, from allergic rhinitis (seasonal or perennial) to asthma problems. Women during pregnancy they are certainly not exempt from this type of problem and may require the use of antihistamine drugs. Let's find out if the antihistamine in pregnancy is allowed or not. Meanwhile, here is a video on the foods to avoid:

Antihistamine in pregnancy: can there be risks for the fetus in case of allergies?

The antihistamine in pregnancy may be necessary if women suffer from allergies during gestation. Like all drugs, however, it could pose a risk to the fetus and it is therefore always good to inquire about any unwanted effects, despite its use is indicated for the treatment of allergic rhinitis or asthma.

Pregnant women who have allergic reactions need not worry too much, because the allergy itself does not pose a risk to the fetus.However, the general state of health of a future mother is important so that she can allow the growth and development of the baby in all serenity. If some form of allergy makes you feel tired or doesn't allow you to rest well, it could lead to stress that should be avoided. For this reason, if necessary, the allergy should be treated with an antihistamine during pregnancy. Furthermore, a prolonged allergy that is not treated could in turn pose some risk to the fetus.

We also remind you that if a woman suffers from a form of allergy during pregnancy, she does not have to worry about passing that specific allergy to the baby: she can simply transmit a genetic predisposition to him, but there is no risk of transmitting the specific allergy during pregnancy itself.

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Risk for the fetus and undesirable effects: some data

The antihistamine in pregnancy can be useful for various pathologies, from allergic rhinitis to asthma, from conjunctivitis to urticaria. These drugs are also prescribed during pregnancy: according to the data reported by the Pharmacovigilance of the University of Catanzaro, about 15% of pregnant women use antihistamines, particularly during the first trimester.

The studies on the risk of the use of antihistamines in pregnancy, however, are not completely exhaustive. According to some initial analyzes, the use of antihistamines during gestation could have undesirable effects on the implantation phase of the embryo and on uterine contractions. with a real risk of spontaneous abortion and preterm birth.

According to a more recent analysis, however, there is no association between the use of antihistamines in the first trimester and abortion. This analysis would be supported by a subsequent one, which analyzed data from 32 different studies, concluding that the use of antihistamines does not expose the fetus to a greater risk of malformations than the risk for those who do not use them.

Further studies have confirmed that even with respect to premature birth, the use of antihistamines during pregnancy does not increase the risk.

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What to do in case of allergic rhinitis during pregnancy?

Respiratory allergies such as allergic rhinitis are very common in pregnancy: according to the AIFA (Italian Medicines Agency) over 20% of expectant mothers suffer from it: the same symptoms can worsen due to hormonal changes.

Treating allergic rhinitis with drugs during pregnancy and breastfeeding is possible. Allergic rhinitis manifests itself with symptoms ranging from obstruction to nasal congestion to itching. These symptoms tend to worsen between the second and third trimesters due to hormonal changes.

If in most cases the symptoms of allergic rhinitis can be tolerated and not cured with the use of antihistamines, a drug treatment in particular circumstances may be necessary. It will be the treating doctor, then, who will prescribe a drug that guarantees the greatest efficacy. with the least risk to the fetus.

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Which antihistamine to take during pregnancy and breastfeeding?

The Italian Medicines Agency emphasizes that the most suitable drugs in case of allergic rhinitis are topical (intranasal) antihistamines such as azelastine or levocabastine, or oral such as cetirizine and loratadine. First generation antihistamines, which have a sedative effect, are not recommended.

The AIFA also states that it is possible to use cromolyn sodium and corticosteroids during pregnancy. Yes also to the use of decongestants of the nasal mucosa, but never in high doses and repeatedly. In these cases there may be undesirable effects on the circulation of the uterus and placenta.

These indications also apply to breastfeeding. I recommend, however: for any doubts about the treatment of allergies and the use of drugs during pregnancy and breastfeeding, it is always necessary and essential to listen to the opinion of your doctor.

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