Goodbye to sciatic nerve pain: it's time to say goodbye to that damn sciatica

Hurray! You are about to say goodbye to sciatic nerve pain, reading this article you will understand that there is no time to waste, it is better to immediately find a suitable method to eliminate this problem that in the long run becomes painful and disabling and takes away your smile. you feel sore and tired without a real reason: watch this video to discover some infallible anti-fatigue remedies and get to work to try them right away!

Goodbye to sciatic nerve pain: tests, therapies and clues to understand how to recognize the symptoms

The sciatic originates from the sacral plexus and includes all the fibers that come from the nerves of the plexus (L4, L5, S1, S2, S3). This sciatic nerve, called nervus ischiadicus, is the longest and widest of these nerves: it begins in the spinal cord, extends from the buttocks beginning, passing behind the rear leg to the feet. The spinal cord belongs to the central nervous system; it is composed of fibers that allow the connection between the brain and other parts of the body through the spinal nerves. The specialist will probably require an MRI after the medical examination, to check if the inflammation concerns the nerve root or a peripheral area and maybe even an "electromyography to identify if and at what point the electrical path of the sciatic is interrupted. to solve this painful inflammation of the sciatic, which also leads to dragging the leg while walking, it is possible to resort to treatments carried out by an expert osteopath, who with a skilful manual movement unlocks the vertebrae and eliminates the pressure of the disc, freeing the nerve. or thrusts are caused by the osteopath in a soft way, albeit with crunches, without real suffering on the part of the patients. It is also possible to intervene on the piriformis, an external rotator muscle of the hip, which is always under strain both seated and in motion. If its imbalance occurs, the condition of the sciatic nerve is compromised. The exercises of lengthening or stretching of this muscle represent a myotensive technique (tension of the muscles) very valid for sciatica in case of piriformis syndrome. These exercises that act on the muscles can also be done alone at home, through easy movements: for example, in the supine position, the bent knee is squeezed between two hands and the other leg bent over it is passed. with a two-minute traction, slowly pushing the limb towards the torso, helping with the inhalation and exhalation, but above all with the first. The exercises require persistence and commitment, but they are very effective.

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Sciatic nerve pain: causes and decompression exercises for this back pain that goes from the buttock to the feet

The spinal nerves exit from the lateral sides of the spinal cord through the holes between the vertebrae along the spinal column.
There are thirty-one pairs and they have a dorsal sensory root and a ventral motor root. The spinal cord has a protective membrane around it, the dura mater, inside which the cerebrospinal fluid is located. When it becomes inflamed, the sciatic nerve causes considerable pain, which can cause a herniated disc, which compresses the nerve, an excessive tension of the piriformis muscle, a narrowing of the bone in the vertebral canal or in very rare cases even the presence of a tumor. As for the root, unloading of the discs of the spinal column can also be performed. Standing with straight legs, you have to bend down to touch the ground with your hands for about three minutes, then come back up very slowly with your arms resting on your thighs with the lower limbs flexed, not straight (it could be counterproductive), improving from time to time in turn its own bending capacity. It is advisable to perform this exercise, standing close to a bed or a sofa, in case you experience skidding, after having been upside down for some time. Thanks to this elastic movement, more space is created between the vertebrae and the vertebrae. , the discs and the entire spinal column are lightened. In case of acute pain, it is necessary to intervene as soon as possible with adequate treatments and exercises to decompress the sciatic nerve, before the situation worsens. Inflammation of the sciatic nerve does not should be underestimated, as it is painful and disabling. Even after drug therapy and after osteopathic treatment, you need to train your back and pay attention to incorrect postures. Inflammation of the sciatic nerve, or sciatica, is a disorder that causes pain and does not it should be underestimated. It is always best to contact your doctor to ascertain the nature of the pain and to find exercises and an approved drug therapy to solve the problem. Sciatica or low back pain can affect your life and your movements: pain can reach the knee and even the feet.

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Symptoms of sciatic nerve pains (sciatica or sciatica or lumbosciatica)

The symptomatology consists of a pain that starts from the lumbar region and through the buttocks descends through the legs to the feet. Usually the sore limb is one. The pain increases if you are under exertion, if you lift weights, even in the event of a sudden movement caused by coughing or sneezing. At the same time as suffering, burning, falling asleep, tingling of the limb can also be felt. In case of severe pain in the legs, signs of paralysis in some places, urinary and fecal incontinence, it is important to diagnose the problem quickly, in order not to risk seriously damaging the nerve and to decide whether the compression should be eliminated through surgery. This inflammation of the sciatic nerve is a neuralgia that can affect both the right and left leg. With the Lasègue test, the specialist raises the limb in extension while the patient is lying on the table. If the subject feels pain before the 45 ° of bend, it means that the sciatic nerve is subject to strong compression. To relieve pain in the acute phase, there are anti-inflammatories and analgesics that can also be taken intramuscularly, warm pads and massages performed by experts. When the pain ends, to avoid relapses, it is important to do prevention with back gymnastics under the guidance of an osteopath, getting used to not straining the back too much and to avoiding wrong positions even when seated. Stretching exercises are always beneficial. With self-massage, the areas of the buttocks are relaxed. In the supine position on the floor, you can put weight on a tennis ball by rolling it onto your buttocks. You can massage the painful area with circular movements, but without exerting too much pressure or for too long so as not to irritate the nerve more. In any case, it is essential to understand the cause to solve the problem and avoid relapses: ask your doctor, an osteopath or a physiotherapist for advice!

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