5 myths about masturbation to dispel

If we were to listen to the rumors about masturbation (male and female), we would have to surrender to the fact that every disease, from facial pustules to gonorrhea, would be linked to this dark and deviant sexual practice ... that's more or less what heritage we come from. So it took us a while to regain possession of our body and our right to enjoy it as we prefer! Solo masturbation, in pairs, in groups ... there are some myths we should get rid of. Meanwhile, what better thing than sex toys, which have raised the level of our auto-eroticism by not a little? See where you might find some unexpected ones:

1. If you masturbate too much you will go blind

The most famous of the legends: if you masturbate, you will lose the use of your sight. Well, today we should all be blind, at least. And instead ...
This saying, which is usually linked to male masturbation, was born with a treatise against masturbation dating back to 1700. To date we can say that masturbation, not only is not a carrier of disease, but is also an anti-stress, and has beneficial effects against the "migraine (in addition to reducing the chances of developing prostate cancer in the male case).

See also

5 myths about "female orgasm definitely to be debunked!"

How do two women have sex? 6 myths to dispel

Male masturbation Loading ...


2. If you touch the clitoris too much, you will lose sensation

But what should the clitoris be made of if it starts to wear out when stimulated? Tissue? Even if you never know enough about the clitoris, one thing is certain: the more you stimulate yourself, the better you will get to know each other and the better it will be. On the contrary, the fear of investigating this part of the female body will only take us away from the coveted orgasm.

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3. Masturbation deteriorates performance in bed

If anything, it's the other way around. Masturbation, even if practiced several times a week, does not decrease desire or cause diseases such as erectile dysfunction or premature ejaculation. Obviously any excess, as in all things in life, is always discouraged. But it is well known that a woman can have multiple orgasms in a row, so masturbation does not have an inhibitory function, while a man can satisfy his partner for longer if he masturbated just before ...

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4. Masturbating a lot makes the penis stretch

Dear male friends, the answer can only be this: the penis does not lengthen training it to ejaculation. Absolutely a myth (unfortunately?). The purpose of autoeroticism should therefore not be this: abandon the illusion and dedicate yourself only to personal pleasure .

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5. Only singles / men masturbate

To begin with, there is couple masturbation. And especially female masturbation. In short, it is unthinkable that this practice is intended for the poor depressed single, or for the man alone. So, not only does everyone masturbate even if in pairs, but luckily women masturbate too, and even alone, yes: they enjoy alone!

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And if masturbating is good, make love even more! So, here are some positions to refresh your memory:

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